Chapter Thirteen. Such a Tease

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm ringing in my ears. Rolling over, I hit it while groaning.


I sit up quickly, "What the hell!" 

Daniel laughs while leaning in my doorway. I pull my sheet over my bare chest.

"What princess?" He asks.

"What're you doing here?" I ask, "Better, how did you even get in?"

"You left the front unlocked and I came to wake you up." He says smiling.

"You can go now." I say, still holding the sheet closely to me. 

He shakes his head, "I'll be downstairs."

I roll my eyes before he closes the door. Quickly, I make my way to the closet and pick out a plaid skirt and black T. 

Daniel's POV

I sit downstairs waiting for Mac to get down. Me barging into her room was the best decision, she pulled that sheet up quickly. Though I didn't see anything, it was a funny but beautiful sight I wish to see more of. 

I here steps coming down the stairs, adjusting on the chair I see her beautiful shadow. She walks out in a short plaid skirt and a black shirt. Gulping loudly, all I could think of was her. She was beautiful always but these times, man was she hot.

"Is that drool I see?" She teases.

I wipe at my mouth stupidly, making her laugh.

"Shut up." I mumble, feeling embarrassed.

"Better get to school." She says walking ahead of me, she drops her keys.

Oh shit. I turn away as she bends down to grab them. As much as I'd love to see that, I know she's teasing me. I plan to get her back.

"Get your ass out the door before we never make it out." I growl. 

She giggles before walking out with me following. The way her hips sway as she takes her perfect steps, it's memorizing. 

We drive to school and get to class without speaking. The day goes as usual, girls hitting on me and teachers shaking their heads at my grades. 

"Boo!" I hear Mac's voice call as hands squeeze my shoulders.

I turn to her with a smile when I see her frown, "Hey."

"You're no fun." She says crossing her arms.

"I can be." I whisper in her ear.

She shivers, making me smile. The effect I have on her makes me happy, she backs away and walks past me.

I catch up and grab her wrist as we walk out the doors, "I'm getting you back for this morning."

"What ever are you talking about?" She giggles sarcastically.

I roll my eyes as we both get into the car and head to our houses.

"You coming in?" I ask opening the car door.

She shakes her head, "Later."

"Just for now?" I ask.

"Fine." She sighs.

I follow her to my house and unlock the front door.

"What do you want to do?" She asks.

"Do you really want to know that?" I ask with a smirk.

She shakes her head with a smile. I pull off my shirt and watch her eyes grow.

"Is that drool I see?" I quote.

She turns and sits on the couch with silence. Chuckling, I walk up the stairs before stopping at my door.

"I'm going to take a shower." I call.

"I'll be here." She says.

Mackenzie's POV

I play with the bottom of my skirt while waiting for Danny to get out of the shower. I didn't understand why he'd ask me over if I had to wait for him. Getting annoyed, I walk into the kitchen and get a glass of water.

"Mac!" I hear him call.

Rolling my eyes I answer, "What!?"

"Can you get me a towel!?" He yells.

"I guess!" I yell, heading to the laundry room.

I grab a pink towel and walk through his room to the bathroom.

"I'm coming in." I warn.

Pushing the door open, I prepare my eyes. Steam fills the bathroom, I quickly push the towel over the rack when the curtain opens.

"Pink?" He asks.

I giggle while closing my eyes.

"Why are your eyes closed?" He asks.

"Because, you're just going to tease me." I fire.

"Open them." He says.

I slowly open my eyes to see only his torso hanging out from the curtain.

"I'm going now." I say.

He grabs my wrist getting it wet, "What?" I ask.

He stares into my eyes before pulling me to his soaked head and pressing his lips lightly to mine. I pull away and turn in complete shock. I feel his grip on the back of my neck and then my lips crashed to his again. He continues to kiss me with his hands on my cheeks, pulling me closer. 

I pull away, "Nope!" I yell before running out of the bathroom.

"Mac!" He calls.

"No!" I yell again while plopping on the couch.

My face is now wet do to his hair and hands on my face. Stupid me would've kept going, but not this time. That is too intimate for us, for now. Kissing him relieved my crave I didn't even know I had. I missed his lips, the way we moved together so smoothly. 

Thanks for the second towel princess - D

Second? - Me

Yep, I had one - D

I knew it! - Me

I said I would get you back - D

Jokes on you because you didn't - Me

What do you mean? - D

I didn't care for that kiss - Me

We'll see - D 

My neighborDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora