Chapter Seventeen. It's Not What It Looks Like

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I wake up panicked, it was Monday and I would be late.

"Mom!" I yell.

The door swings open, "What?"

"Why didn't you wake me?" I ask sitting up.

My stomach churns and I reach for the trash then release my stomach.

"That's why." She sighs.

I continue to vomit into the bucket as my mom holds my hair back.

"You got food poisoning." She says.

"How do I not remember this?" I ask.

"All you did was sleep and puke." She says.

All I can see is black as I close my eyes tight and continue. The stench filling my nostrils, it's disgusting.

"How would I get food poisoning?" I ask before puking more.

"That coffee shop." She says.

I finally finish and my mom hands me a napkin.

"I only ate some salad and rice." I say frowning and holding my stomach.

"Just rest, we'll wake you if Daniel comes over." She says standing.

"Daniel?" I ask, "Why would he come over?"

"Well he's your friend and he's been checking on you." She shrugs.

"Why?" I ask.

"Just go to sleep." She laughs.

I lay back and close my eyes. He's been checking on me? That's so sweet


I feel a strand of hair being lightly tugged. Opening my eyes, I see Daniels face begin to unblur.

"Hi." I say quietly.

"How're you feeling?" He asks.

"Not so good." I laugh lightly, "You should go."

"Why?" He asks.

"I don't need you seeing me puke." I say.

"Too late." He says with a smile.

"What?" I ask.

"I held your hair back." He says.

I roll my eyes and give him a light shoulder tap, "I'm going back to sleep."

"Fine." He says.

"Don't play with my hair when I'm sleeping." I warn.

"Only when you're awake?" He jokes.

I shake my head with smile and close my eyes. Every time I fall asleep, I'm reawaken in what feels like seconds even though hours pass.


I wake up to my mom smiling down at me.

"Hmm?" I hum.

"Let's get you to the shower." She says.

I nod and sit up slowly, "Warm."

"No, not a cold one." She laughs.

I make my mom stay out of the bathroom while I take my shower. She's being so protective of me and I kind of hate it. 

"Mom!" I yell.

"Yes?" She asks.

"Towel?" I ask.

It flies over the top of the shower curtain making me flinch.

"God!" I squeal.

"Sorry." She giggles.

I step out and and begin to get dressed. When I walk out Daniel and my mom is sitting on my bed.

"Why is he here?" I ask.

"I'm hurt." He jokes, putting a hand over his heart.

I roll my eyes and look at my mom, "Because I like him."

"Mom, I think it's weird you're letting him in my room without supervision." I admit.

"Why?" She asks.

"Because you're my mom, you're supposed to say 'no boys.'" I laugh.

Daniel stands and places his arm around my shoulder, "What? you don't like being alone with me?"

I shake my head and move from under his arm, "No."

"That's a lie." He says.

I look at my mom who's sitting normally, "Mom, I'll see you downstairs."

"Now you want to be alone with me." Daniel points out.

I roll my eyes and watch as she leaves, "Okay!"

He snaps his head in my direction, "What?"

"Stop being so cocky!" I laugh.

"Tempting?" He asks.

"Sure." I joke.

"You're feeling better?" He asks.

I nod happily, "Finally." 

I adjust my shirt in the mirror while looking at Daniel. He watches my every move with a smile.

"Danny." I turn, "Stop staring."

"How can I?" He sits straighter.

I shrug, "Just close your eyes."

He shakes his head, "That's a trap."

"You'll get a nice surprise." I tempt.

He closes his eyes quickly and puckers his lips. I laugh before bending down to his face, his eye lashes flutter as my face touches his. In a quick motion I lick up his face making him stand.

"Mackenzie!" He yells.

"Oh no, am I in trouble?" I tease.

I squeal as he grabs me and places me on the bed. He hovers over me and then licks my cheek making me squeal in disgust.

"I should stop leaving you two alone after all." I hear my mom say.

I tear my eyes away from his and look toward the doorway. Examining the way we look my eyes grow. He's on top of me with his face only so far away. I push him lightly and sit up.

"Mom." I breathe.

"It's not what is looks like." Daniel says.

My mom winks then walks away, I throw my hands up in the air.

"What?" He asks.

"Why doesn't she care?" I ask.

He bends down, beside my ear, "Works in my favor." He whispers.

I shiver as he walks away, giving me wink. I'm left sitting in silence with the last scene playing in my head.

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