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I was never fond of the crowd;
I've been avoiding all closed spaces
not until I've held your hand
stood beside you right there
amidst the multitude of faces
under the city lights at seven
with the car noises around us
and above us is the moon glowing
I knew it was love in the shadows
and life in the face of you
I knew it was warmth in the snow
and the shade of red in blue
It was when I forgot the in-between's
and the world fade into nothingness
It was when the scars began to heal
and I forgot the taste of sadness
It was when I began to care less
of the rapid beating of my heart
for the beasts that hide in the corners
that I once feared that'd tear me apart
It was when I got to meet the new fear
not the monsters or the darkness
not the crowd or the closed spaces
but the absence of you in me

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