I'd Rather Be A Misfit Than Be Like Everyone Else

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I'd Rather Be A Misfit Than Be Like Everyone Else

In the multitude of perfections, would you want to be the flaw? In this sea of red roses, would you want to be the white one? In this ocean of eyes that waits for the sunset, would you rather wait for the sunrise?

People would often tell you that to be different is better than to be just like everyone else. You’d hear people saying that it is better to be rare than meet the stereotypes. But, here’s what reality really is: if you are different, you’d be a misfit and no one wants to be one.

The fear of being alone would fuel you to meet the standards set by humanity. You’d wear statement shirts not mainly because you want it but because it is what most wears and clinging to the same old pocket tees would get you out of what’s on the trend. You’d be deleting those songs you used to listen to just to give space to those that doesn’t really pass your likings but they should now since everyone is currently listening to them. You’d be changing your cup of coffee into a milk tea that though tastes awful for your taste buds, you don’t really mind as long as people would view your instagram story with you drinking one. You’d most probably define yourself as nocturnal just to fit in even though you find the sunlight more comforting.

Let’s face it. No one wants to be an outcast. You don’t want to be left out. Hence, you’d rather be the same than different.

However, it’s about time to open your eyes. Would you rather follow the trend or set it? Would you want to wander the streets with people looking just as you? Would you rather see another you in the coffee shop? In the library? In the malls?

Most would never want to go against the waves but how could you get off the shores and witness the beauty of what lies in the sea if you wouldn’t?

So ask yourself again, in this multitude of perfections, would you rather be the flaw? Would you rather be the mistake?

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