Chapter Three

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"What do you mean she is missing?" Morgan shouted as she pinned Silas against the wall by the scruff of his jacket.

"She called me and told me she was cutting through the Stables Market to meet me on the high street, I waited for nearly an hour, and her phone keeps ringing out." He pleaded and Morgan pushed him away.

"Has her phone got a tracker?" Silas shook his head. Morgan ran her hands through her hair. "You are a fucking idiot!" She muttered as she marched into the front room to retrieve her phone. Silas followed her like a lost puppy.

"I know her last punter wasn't too far. She explained that when she called me." He tried to explain.

"Did you not think to drive up the High Street and maybe check the last location?"

"I'm not that stupid Detective."

"Stupid enough to not put trackers on your girl's phones!" She bellowed and Silas flinched at her tone. "Did you go into the market?"

"No, that place gives me the creeps at night." He shuddered and Morgan glared at him.

"Then we look there. Let me grab my coat." She ordered as a loud shrill erupted from Silas' phone concealed in his jacket. He fumbled with the device as he pulled it from the pocket.

"Layla! Oh, sweetness are you okay?... Woah slow down I can't hear you... here with her now... I'll pass you too her." He handed the phone to Morgan with shaking hands. Fear and panic filled his eyes. Morgan gripped the phone and placed it to her ear.

"Layla?" Morgan spoke.

"Detective. Please... please ... help ... me." Layla's distressed voice came. Morgan could hear her erratic breathing. Something terrible has happened.

"Where are you?" Morgan asked as she grabbed her iPad. Google Maps flicked onto the screen.

"The Stables Market." Layla sobbed. "Detective I'm so sorry, I'm so scared." She cried harder.

"Where in the market Layla? What can you see?" She pried for more information to the location.

"I can see shops, and a statue of a woman..." Layla trailed off and gasped sharply. "We've been attacked."

"Is somebody there with you? Are they breathing?" Morgan paused for an answer. Her eyes caught Silas who had turned a shade of green. Fuck. Morgan thought. "Layla, I need you to answer me!"

"Another girl is here with me. I don't think she is awake." Layla sobbed. "I don't want to die Detective. Please don't let me die."

"I won't let you. I need you to keep talking on the phone. We are on our way." She assured as she grabbed her leather jacket from the armchair. She raced to her study and grabbed her handgun from the safe. "What injuries do you have Layla?"

"I've been stabbed, and they pushed us over the railings. It hurts so much Detective. Oh, god there is so much blood."

"And the other girl? Can you see what injuries she has?" Morgan pressed as she slipped her jacket on. Silas had the front door open and waited for Morgan. Together they ran down the stairs and towards the lobby.

"It's too dark I can't see. I know she was trying to protect me." She responded. Morgan pulled the phone away from her ear and gave Silas her mobile.

"Call an ambulance and tell them we need assistance at The Stables Market in Camden. Two women have been attacked, one stabbed and another with unknown injuries. Tell them DCI Chester is going to the scene to assist." She ordered Silas. He nodded as he dialled and relayed the information to the operator.

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