Chapter Sixteen

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The terrified girl's feet pounded on the grass beneath her as she galloped through the woodland. Her chest tight and lungs suffocating on the fresh morning air. She had to get away. In the distance she could see the flashlights, they were looking for her. Teary eyed, she pushed her body to the limit. She had no idea where she was. Blood dripped down her chin, the metallic taste still fresh on her tongue. The man's piercing scream thumped in her eardrums from the memory of when she tore at his neck. It was instinct to fight off attackers if your hands are bound. The girl refused to be like the others, she knew what would happen as soon as they got what they wanted. She steadied herself against a tree. The surroundings were silent apart from the sound of her heavy breathing. Her body was burning, and muscles ached. She promised herself a two-minute breather while it was safe.

A twig snapped from behind her. She placed her hand over her mouth and silently she crouched into a nearby bush. For five minutes she listened and waited until she knew it would be safe. The morning sun started to rise in the distance, and she could see the main road. Relief crashed into her like a tidal wave.

The gravel bit at her bare feet as she ambled on the road. She wore a long white dress. Blood from the priest stained the neckline, and her own blood stained the lower abdomen. No cars passed her as she walked, her eyes glazed over, and she let her mind wander back to happier times.

The road eventually led to a row of small pretty houses on the left-hand side. Christmas lights decorated the streetlamps and fences. She sprinted towards the houses and panicked when she saw no lights were on. Her bottom lip quivered as she stood in the street with her arms wrapped around her. She fell to her knees and let out a blood curdling scream.

Anne Robert and her husband Christopher were woken by the scream. At first, Christopher thought it was their daughter Sophie and she ran to her bedroom. Anne investigated through the window and could not see anything unusual, but the scream started to turn into a desperate wail. She grabbed her dressing gown and slipped it on as she ventured down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Christopher whispered a shout to Anne from the top of the stairs. Sophie was tucked in his arms tightly.

"I'm just going to see what is causing this noise. Stay inside." She told him as she opened the front door.

"It's probably a fox, close the door and let's go back to bed."

"I've got a bad feeling it's not a fox." She muttered and slipped out the door. Christopher climbed down the stairs and waited in the door frame.

Milkman Jonathan Greene heard the scream as he entered the village on his morning shift. He had placed two bottles of milk on the doorstep when it erupted, giving him a fright. Lights in the houses around him flickered on and faces snooped from their windows. Men in dressing gowns or coats stood in the doorway while their wives watched with wild bed hair. The scream became a painful wail and Jonathan stalked towards the direction of the noise. He could see something in the middle of the road ahead of him. A figure emerged from one of the houses.

Her back was to Anne, she was shaking violently as the tears and snot escaped her. Breathing became difficult, her lungs ached. She let out another terrifying wail and tucked her knees to her chest. Anne approached the girl cautiously. She felt her presence and quickly span around to face her. Anne's face resembled shock and fear as their eyes connected.

"Thank you." The girl muttered. Anne crouched down to the girl's level and saw the blood on her chin.

"My name is Anne. What's your name?" She asked with a soft smile. She needed the girl to trust her.

"Laura." Her throat scratched as she answered. "Please help me."

"I will, but I need you to come inside first." Anne told her and Laura's eyes widened as panic flooded her.

*FIRST DRAFT* The Cover of Darkness (DCI Morgan Chester Series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora