Chapter Four

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"They say the breather is going to be okay." Detective Inspector Cole Dawson reassured Morgan as she watched Layla be carried into the ambulance on the stretcher, Silas at her side. "The other girl unfortunately succumbed to her wounds."

"She was already dead Cole. Was dead before I got here and most likely before I got the tip off." Morgan sighed.

"How did you get the tip off?" Cole questioned.

"The girl's pimp tracked me down when I went for my jog." Morgan shrugged and Cole chuckled. They looked over at the forensics team who struggled to set the tent around the body. "Who put the juniors in charge? Did I miss a memo?" She mocked.

"Shaun is on annual leave... Kingston has taken over in his absence." Cole flinched away as he saw Morgan's face contour to annoyed. He placed his large hands in the pocket of his navy Nike tracksuit; the slim fit complimented his powerful legs. His dark brown hair neat and his 6ft3 frame towered over Morgan's 5ft4.

"And he thinks it's a good idea to let children conduct forensics?" Morgan raised her eyebrow. One of the juniors stumbled out of the tent and vomited next to it. Cole doubled over with laughter and Morgan looked unamused. Forensic Coordinator Elijah Kingston approached them.

"Morning Detectives." He chirped with a huge grin. Morgan ground her teeth.

"What the fuck are playing at Kingston? This is a crime scene, not a field day." Morgan spat.

"Pleasure as always Chester." He rolled his eyes.

"If they fuck up – even miss a shred of evidence, this case gets dropped faster than your pants on initiation day." She warned.

"I am positive my team will collect everything. Maybe you should do some yoga, it'll help with that chip on your shoulder." He muttered and Morgan glared at him. "I can't sweep a crime scene on my own Chester."

"I prefer if you would." She responded bluntly. Elijah rolled his eyes and stalked to the forensic tent.

"Do you have to be so hard on him?" Cole asked as he stifled a laugh.

"Does he have to be such an idiot?" She replied as she scanned the scene around them. "Why would two prostitutes be attacked here in the market?" She wondered.

"It's dark, nobody around, no CCTV. We know this place is a hot spot for drug addicts and prostitutes." Cole assumed.

"But there is a river just down the street, why leave them here for someone to find?"

"Maybe it was an accident, or the punter freaked."

"They were pushed over the safety glass. It's no accident."

Together they waited for the forensics to finish collecting the evidence around the victim. The body concealed in the black body bag was wheeled to the van where it would be transported to the precinct to undergo an autopsy. The sun had not risen yet and will not for another hour. It would be difficult to scour the market for any evidence and the murder weapon. A chore Megan detests and always passed to others. The violator had either planned to kill, or their rage escalated. Morgan pulled her phone out and called their office and was directed to her Technical Analyst.

"Forensic and Tech Department. Skilled computer nerd and utter goddess Hallie Carter speaking." A soft and excited voice answered. Morgan fought back the smile that slowly crept on her face. She had a soft spot for the spunky girl with vibrant hair colours and daring clothes. She was a beacon for individually that Morgan admired.

"Hallie it's Chester." She replied.

"Oh lovely, you sound stressed. Is that big bad wolf Cole causing you grief?"

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