Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Now." Morgan barked.

Harry did not hesitate. The wooden door splintered under the crash from the knocker. The occupants were now aware of their presence. The AFO's stormed the property.

"Armed police!" They shouted as they fanned out in the farmhouse.

Glass shattered and shouts erupted from the kitchen; Cole had entered as planned. Morgan and Rowan entered the property shortly after. Her eyes connected with the five men and one woman cornered in the living room.

She pointed her index finger to two of the AFO's closest to her. "Get them out of here. The rest of you, tear this place apart." She ordered.

The group were put in handcuffs and escorted off the premises. A police van that would take them into custody waited outside in the driveway. Back inside the farmhouse, the team started their work, pulling bookcases apart, and lifting furniture. The floor littered with debris from the search.

"We haven't located the victims just yet. Stay where you are until I tell you otherwise." Morgan reported into her radio to Dakota.

"Chester, you better get in here." Cole called out for her. Morgan slipped easily through the AFO's and into the kitchen. Cole stood opposite an old pine bookcase.

"You wouldn't have this in the kitchen, would you?"

"Why not?" She shrugged.

"The pages would probably get ruined because of the steam and heat from cooking."

Morgan rolled her eyes.

"Didn't know you could read, Dawson." She mocked and nodded for an AFO to remove the bookcase. A rusty metal door was revealed. "Jackpot."

She reached her hand out to grip the handle on the door but quickly pulled away as the door swung open. She quickly pushed her back into the wall and her hand prevented the door from crashing into her. A tall man stood in the doorway with Bobby Ryan in his grip. A pair of scissors pressed against the base of her neck. Her face puffy and a trail of snot dripped from her nose.

"Put the weapon down." Cole warned and raised his gun at the man.

He gripped Bobby tighter. She yelped in pain as the scissors cut into her.

"Put your guns down or I will kill her right here." He responded. Cole noticed the blood trickling down her neck.

Cole nodded and lifted his hands away from him. He knelt and put the gun down on the kitchen floor. He mentioned to the AFO's behind him to lower their own weapons. Confused looks were exchanged but they complied.

Morgan's grip tightened around her own gun, and she slid down the wall into a crouched position.

"Okay, we have done what you have asked. Now, let the girl go." He clocked Morgan peeking from behind the door.

"Get out of this house and I'll consider it."

"You know the trouble you are in. If you let her go, no one will get hurt." He reasoned.

The man chuckled and pulled Bobby's hair back. He dug the scissors in deeper. Bobby let out a blood curdling scream.

Morgan jumped from behind the door and hit the butt of her gun on the man's head. He yelped as her foot connected with the back of his knees, and crashed onto the floor with a deafening thud. Bobby jumped away and her hand flew to her throat. Cole lunged on to the man and handcuffed him.

"Alex!" A woman screamed behind Morgan. She turned and saw a figure in the doorway holding a bundle in her arms. Morgan raised her gun.

"Don't shoot, she's holding a baby." Bobby gasped.

Hatred filled the woman's eyes as her eyes flickered between Alex and Morgan.

"Annabel Brown, put the baby down." Cole cautiously approached her.

She remained frozen to the spot as she watched Alex's body be pulled upright. Cole gently removed the baby out of Annabel's hands and backed away. He noticed the blood and mucus on the baby's head.

"This baby has just been born." He muttered to Chester.

"Get the baby out of here. Tell Rowan he is needed in here to take her away." Her gun still aimed at Annabel.

Cole nodded and left the kitchen. Rowan sprinted in with his handcuffs at the ready. He read Annabel her rights as he escorted her off the property. Morgan sighed in relief and turned to Bobby. Dakota came rushing into the kitchen with one of the paramedics. They sat Bobby down at the table and assessed her injuries.

"You need to go down there. Amanda is really sick." Bobby's voice croaked as she pointed to the basement door.

"Who is Amanda?"

"The girl who gave birth to the baby. She's gone into septic shock. They wouldn't help her." She sobbed.

Morgan mentioned for Dakota to follow her. Together, they climbed down the steep stairs into the basement. Morgan spotted the room with no door. She tapped on Dakota's shoulder and pointed at the room. They slowly walked in. Dakota's heart sunk.

In the dim candlelight, they found Amanda's motionless body in the bed. Crimson stained the sheets underneath her. Her eyes open and glazed over.

Dakota approached the girl and placed her finger on the girl's neck. She turned to Morgan, closed her eyes, and shook her head.

Morgan cursed and punched the wall beside her.

"We need transport down here." Dakota spoke into her radio. She could not bring herself to say body bag. She closed Amanda's eyes with her fingers.

"The baby is going to end up in the care system."

"There isn't a living relative?" Dakota asked.

"Only the girl's brother, but he lives all the way in America, and they haven't spoken in years. Even if we could contact him, the baby would still be put in the system until the paperwork is complete, we're talking months, maybe a year."

"No kid deserves to be in the system. Morgan, you know as well as I do that the system is corrupt. They could do more damage to that child."

"It's the law, Dakota. We don't have a say in this matter."

Morgan patted her on the back and turned to leave. Her body felt heavy as she climbed the stairs. Bobby watched as she re-entered the kitchen. Two paramedics strode past her and Morgan nodded to them.

"Is Amanda okay?" Bobby jumped up, ignoring the paramedic's demand.

Morgan took a deep breath, cleared her throat, and looked into Bobby's hopeful eyes.

"I'm really sorry Bobby, she didn't make it."

Bobby bit her lip and slumped back in the chair.

"I promised I would get her out." She sniffled.

The farmhouse was silent as the paramedics brought out Amanda's body concealed in a large bag; Dakota followed closely behind them. Bobby choked on her tears as she watched her friend be carried away. Morgan put her hand on the girl's shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze.

"There are no serious injuries, and your neck doesn't need stitches." The paramedic eventually confirmed to Bobby.

She nodded and rose from the chair. Dakota walked closely behind her as they departed the farmhouse. They paused and watched as Cole and Rowan escorted two other girls from the barn close by. Both had a thermal sheet wrapped around them.

"What will happen to them?" Bobby asked.

"They will need to go to the hospital as they have been in captivity longer than you. Once they have all clear, they'll be reunited with their families." Dakota assured her.

"Frankie is at the precinct with your family waiting for you." Morgan spoke.

Bobby wrapped her arms around Morgan's waist and squeezed tightly. Morgan looked at Dakota, silently pleading for help. Dakota chuckled and started to walk away. Her heart ached as memories of her childhood in foster care flashed through her eyes. She prayed the baby would have it easier than she did.

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