Chapter Seven

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"I'm here to speak with Miss Layla James. She was brought in this morning." Morgan spoke softly as she showed the young receptionist her badge. She nodded and typed her rough manicured hands on the keyboard.

"She is on level three in room six." She replied and handed Morgan a visitor pass. She thanked her and marched to the stairs. As she entered the stairwell, her mobile phone buzzed violently in her pocket. The caller ID made her groan in pain.

"Hi Dad." She muttered.

"Have you caught the bastard yet?" His strong voice rang in her ear. She bit her lip and rolled her eyes.

"I'm fine, thank you for asking. No, we've only just started working the case." She muttered.

"You better find him before I do, because I know you'll go easy on him."

"Better to go easy than blow my cover, right?" She could hear him laugh and inhale his cigarette. "I'm telling Silas to keep the girls off the streets."

"And cripple our income?" He questioned.

"One of your incomes." She corrected. "Dad, the killer is still out there and most likely will kill again." She warned.

"It's your job to keep them safe."

"I don't remember that being in the oath I took."

"What do you propose then Detective?"

"Shop stays open but stays behind closed doors and regular cliental only, unless newbies offer to pay extra. It won't raise suspicions. Supplies will need to be arranged for a more secure location."

"I knew I could count on you, poppet." He ended the call. She slipped her phone in her pocket and climbed up the stairs. She pushed open the door and a scent of lemon disinfectant burned her nose.

Her trainers squeaked against the floor as she walked down the hallway. Silas sat on one of the visitor's chair outside room six. His head in his hands. She approached him and looked in the small window on the door. Layla laid motionless in the bed with countless tubes attached to her.

"What did the doctor say?" Her voice croaked.

"Said she's stable but need to do more tests." He muttered without looking at her. "I should have done more."

"Next time put trackers on the girl's phones." She shrugged.

"You're giving me a lecture now?" He looked up at her with anger.

"Thought you would have found it funny." She asserted. "Business as usual but only to regulars and big spenders, cash in hand only. ID checks on the doors too."

"Punters won't like that."

"Punters won't like dead girls." She ran her fingers through her hair to move the hair from her face and sat next to Silas.

They made small talk until the doctors approached them. Morgan sucked in a breath as Martin walked past her and into Layla's room. Silas jumped up from his seat and followed him. Morgan rubbed her palms on her jog bottoms and followed.

The room was bigger than Morgan had anticipated. Most hospital rooms had flowers, cards or balloons wishing good health and speedy recoveries. Layla's room felt empty, almost as if no one cared she was close to death. One of life's little joys that are taken away from being a sex worker. Her bed sat perfectly in the middle and surrounded by machines and a stand holding an empty blood bag that the nurse swiftly replaced.

Nothing prepared Morgan for the extent of Layla's injuries. A large gash on her forehead that started from her hairline and down her temple towards her ear. Her bottom lip was swollen and split. Two black eyes had started to form. Her skin had turned grey. Purple fingerprints dotted around Layla's neck.

"Detective Chester." Martin professionally greeted her. She nodded back. "I assume you wish to ask Miss James some questions?"

"While we wait for her to wake up, maybe I can speak to you in private?" She suggested and he followed her to the hallway. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and turned to him. "Did you find anything that could help us?"

"The stab wounds were very deep, we had to stitch them. But they look be inflicted by a large blade, possibly a kitchen knife."

"So, the perp left their home with the intent of killing." She muttered as she typed on the notepad on her phone.

"I know it's your job, but it looks as though he strangled her before he pushed her over the glass." She nodded and made a note.

"If he was to strangle her then why go to the trouble of going into overkill?" She questioned to herself.

"We collected some samples that might come useful to you. Some dirt under her fingernails, could contain skin cells. And photographs of the injuries she sustained." He handed Morgan a brown envelope.

"Thank you, Martin." She softly spoke. Their gazes met. Silas interrupted them.

"She's awake!" He panted. Morgan pushed past him and locked eyes with Layla. Her eyes bloodshot and tears fell down her cheek.

"Detective." She sobbed. Morgan moved to her side and took Layla's hand in her own. She gently stroked her cold knuckles.

"Layla, I need to ask you some questions. Do you feel okay to do this?" Morgan softly asked and Layla nodded. "What do you remember? It's okay to take your time." She reassured her.

"I remember leaving my last punter; he gave me a nice tip." She smiled softly. "I walked on the main road and I heard a small cry come from the market, it sounded like a child. But when I went to go see, he came up behind me. Called me Emma and I tried to walk away. He grabbed me by the throat, and I felt this cold pain rip into my stomach repeatedly." She paused to take a breath.

"You're sure it was a male?"

"I couldn't see their face, but they were tall with broad shoulders. I am sure of it."

"What happened next?"

"The other girl. She came up behind and hit him with something. He screamed and let me go. All I remember was her face when he first stabbed her. It was like the world had stopped. And then he threw her over the glass, and I heard this loud crack. I knew I was next." She sobbed harder and Silas put his arm over her protectively.

"I think that's enough." He muttered coldly.

"Get some rest Layla, I'll swing by later on to continue if that's okay
?" The frightened girl nodded. Morgan softly gave her a small awkward hug and left the room.

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