Chapter Twenty-Four

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Bobby Ryan paced the length of her cage. There were no windows, she could not tell what time of day it was. After her panic earlier, she now had to plan an escape. She scrunched her hair into a tight ponytail. Sweat decorated her forehead and chest, the neckline of her vest top drenched. The industrial light above her made her eyes sting and brought on a migraine. She had to focus. If there was a way in, there was defiantly a way out.

"Can you stop pacing? You're making me feel dizzy." Amanda whined from her mattress.

"Stop watching me then." She continued to pace.

"There's no way-out Bobby. Just give up."

"I am not going to let them anywhere near me." She warned and waved her finger in the air.

"It gets easier, I promise."

"Will you stop saying that." She approached the bars and wrapped her fingers around two of them. A gasp threatened to leave her throat as she saw Amanda in the light.

Her hands rubbed over her swollen stomach. Bobby could see the hallow cheeks and paled skin. She looked malnourished and that concerned Bobby.

"You look unwell."

"I feel it." Amanda's dry and cracked lips pulled into a smile.

The baby kicked inside Amanda and she let out a harsh growl. The pain grew more intense with every kick. She let out a blood curdling scream and arched her back.

The commotion startled the two other girls on the other side of the basement. Bobby could hear the clicking of bones. A red-haired girl appeared in the light. Her baby-faced features made Bobby's heart sink. She looked younger than herself and Amanda.

"What's going on?" She yawned.

"It's nothing, Alicia. The baby is acting up." Amanda panted.

"Should we call for Sister Brown?" Alicia panicked.

Amanda groaned in pain again. The mattress underneath her was damp, a large stain appeared on her grey maternity pants.

"Oh no." She muttered. She put her hand between her legs and smelt the liquid. "My water's broke!"

"Sister Brown!" Alicia's voice boomed in the basement. She called out for her numerous times.

The basement door flew open and a pair of feet pounded on the wooden stairs as they descended. Another pair of feet followed close behind. Sister Brown's eyes scanned between the cages and landed on Amanda. She smelt the amniotic fluid and immediately ran to Amanda's cage. Her fingers fumbled for the key and unlocked the door.

"Amanda, are you okay?" She knelt to Amanda's level.

"I think the baby's coming." She cried out. Her fingers gripped the mattress tightly.

Sister Brown swiftly removed Amanda's pants and underwear. She assessed underneath the baggy t-shirt with her fingers. Bobby noticed an elder gentleman stood at the foot of the stairs and watched. His grey eyes locked onto hers. A soft smile played on his lips. Sister Brown covered Amanda's lower half and turned to the gentleman.

"We need to get her to the birthing room shortly. Make sure everything is ready." She ordered him. He nodded and ventured up the stairs.

Sister Brown rose from the floor and turned to Bobby. Two men shuffled behind her and picked up Amanda bridal style. Carefully, they carried her up the stairs. Amanda's screams travelled down to them.

"Aren't you a lucky one. Amanda's labour has caused your ritual to be postponed." She turned on her heel and stormed up the stairs. Bobby's shoulders sagged in relief and she rested against the bars.


Two hours passed since they took Amanda upstairs in the barn. Bobby's shackled ankle was red and sore from the constant pacing. She rested her back against the stone wall and sighed. Her bottom numb from sitting in the same position on the mattress.

"Do you think this will finally be the one?" Alicia asked into the darkness.

"I doubt it, they're never happy. Won't be long until we have to go through the ritual again." The other girl, Shannon, replied. She laid on the mattress. Her eyes fixed on the ceiling. Her dirty blonde hair sprawled out around her like a fan.

"I plan on getting out of here before they do." Bobby muttered loud enough for them to hear.

"You can try, others before you thought the same. But you'll get caught, end up in the oven, and then buried in the veg patch." Shannon shrugged.

The three girls jumped when the basement door violently swung open. Sister Brown descended the stairs with another older woman. She wore a black hood that concealed her grey hair. Bobby shuddered when their eyes connected. Sister Brown unlocked the door to Bobby's cage. Bobby ground her teeth together and shuffled away from her. She leant down and unlocked the shackle. A red ring wrapped around her ankle with large blisters.

"You have been chosen to help with the birth." Sister Brown announced and stood up.

Bobby clambered to her feet and followed them to the stairs. She turned and looked at the two girls. Shannon did not move, she remained motionless. Alicia gave her a soft smile and raised her thumb.

The stairs creaked under her weight with each step. Her body felt heavy and the pit in her stomach grew larger. Sister Brown locked the basement door after they got to the top. The other woman turned and bound Bobby's hands with a rope. She pulled it tightly. It caused her to wince in pain as it burnt her wrists.

They lead her out of the barn and into the open. Bobby savoured the scent of fresh air. The sky was dark and clear. Stars glistened above her as they escorted her to the house meters away from the barn. The damp grass felt cool against her bare feet as she walked.

The exterior of the house was dated, an old farmhouse stood proudly with a black door. Bobby knew this was where her and Frankie had come before to see Mr and Mrs Brown during the adoption process. The front door of the property opened, and she was nudged inside by Sister Brown. Numerous faces turned as Bobby entered. The hairs on her arms spiked as she remembered them. Hoods covered their heads and they each held a mask with long horns.

Sister Brown guided Bobby through the house and into the kitchen. She opened a concealed door behind the bookcase. Bobby's feet almost slipped down the steep stairs as she was urged to go first. There was an opening to her left and she saw Amanda on a bed with her legs in the birthing stirrups.

"Has she been given medication?" Bobby asked as Sister Brown untied her hands.

"Medication can harm the baby. She'll have to make do without it." She mumbled and closed the door behind her as she left.

Bobby bit her lip and turned to Amanda. A contraction ripped through her body and she let out a harsh growl. Her body felt as if it was on fire. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Her knuckles white from the tight grip she had on the support bars on the bed.

"I lied," she paused to release a painful gasp. "It doesn't get easier. I'm so scared Bobby."

She approached Amanda and softly stroked her forehead.

"It's okay to be afraid. Believe me, I am too. But we have to be strong. I will get us out of here." She promised.

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