Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It was the neighbour that heard the thunderous boom and ear-piercing scream from the house next door. Then silence. She watched through the slit in her blinds but did not see anyone leave the property in the past forty minutes. The time on her clock showed as 5:15am.

She knew the couple next door. A respected doctor who sneaks home in the middle of the night, and the shy stay at home wife who says nothing. Occasionally, they would cross paths and exchange warm greetings. She gained the wife's trust and eventually, she got a key to the house. On weekends, she would enter the house to help clean.

The wife recently opened about her fears her husband was cheating. The neighbour bit her tongue.

When they arrived home yesterday afternoon, the wife had a face like thunder. Yes, she heard shouting between the two of them, some crashing of plates. And then nothing. She thought they had made up.

Two local police officers came shortly after her call. She met them at the steps of the house and unlocked the front door for them. They called out the couple's names and shone their torches in the darkness that engulfed the hallway.

Pictures that hung on the wall now strewn across the floor with shattered glass. They noticed scratch marks on the walls. One officer followed the scratches. The other checked out the kitchen.

He opened the door under the stairs, turned on the light with the cord that dangled above him. The stairs were made of strong wood. Not knowing the horror that waited for him, he climbed down the stairs.

The second officer looked outside the kitchen window and noticed a figure in the garden. He pulled open the window and shone his torch onto the figure. The light stunned him and dropped the shovel to the ground. The man turned and ran for the fence.

"Hey, stop!" The office called out as he fumbled to unlock the patio door.

The man jumped over the fence and ran into the dark alley behind him. The officer ran into the garden but stumbled into a ditch. A shallow grave. In the basement, was the reason why the man was digging in the garden.

The mutilated body of Jane Buck was tied to a metal wired bed. Next to her was a note written in blood.

DCI Morgan Chester is next.


"Is there anything I can get you Mrs. Ryan?" Hallie asked.

Janette Ryan stared out the window, watching the glistening lights on London's skyline. She pulled her gaze away to meet Hallie's eyes, and gave her a small soft smile.

"Do you have something strong?" She chuckled.

"I know our boss has scotch in his desk." Hallie playfully countered.

"A cup of tea would be wonderful."

Hallie nodded and made a note of how she took her tea. She took orders from Alicia and Shannon's families before turning to Clive Ryan. He stood by the evidence board. His grey eyes fixed on the photograph of Bobby. Morgan was meant to put that away before she went on raid.

"Mr. Ryan, I was wondering if you would like anything?" Hallie asked.

"My daughter back would be a great start." He bit.

"Sir, I understand your frustration, but my team are currently in the field, possibly risking their own lives, to save your daughter." Hallie replied bluntly. He turned to her with sadness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so worried about her."

"I may not qualify like my colleagues to understand what goes on in other people's minds, but I have some idea of how you're feeling."

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