Chapter Seventeen

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Oliver Bruce knocked on the office door of Commissioner Levi Grayson before he entered. Levi sat proudly at his desk centred in the room, carefully reading a file in his hand. His dull blue eyes looked up at Oliver and he mentioned for him to sit.

Levi's ash blonde hair was brushed back, and he used gel to maintain it. He wore a grey pin-stripe suit with black loafers. Unlike other departments, Levi preferred to be smartly dressed.

Oliver sat opposite him in one of the lavish leather office chairs and explained briefly about the Bobby Ryan case. He then requested for the warrant to search the suspects property as they believe the missing girl was being held there. Happy with the brief; Levi granted the warrant. He typed on his computer the confirmation and pressed print. The printer behind him purred to life as it swallowed a piece of paper.

"Before you go Oliver, I want a quick word." Levi announced as Oliver rose from his chair. Oliver cocked his eyebrow; he sat down and crossed his arms across his chest.

"Okay, I'm listening."

"It's about DCI Morgan Chester. There have been complaints about her."

Oliver chuckled and pinched the bridge of his nose. "There's always complaints about DCI Chester. It gets easier once you get to know her."

"Bullying other departments is unacceptable. The comments she makes are abusive." He explained as he leant back in his chair. The springs whined in pain.

"She can be a bit hot headed; I admit. But she gets the job done."

"By taking dangerous risk's Oliver. She almost put your FTA in danger last year."

"Yes, she took a risk putting FTA Carter undercover, but she managed to shut down a whole trafficking ring by doing so." Oliver reasoned with him. "She is one of the best cadets to come out of The Academy."

Levi sighed and rubbed his hand over his chin. The cabinet behind him filed all the solved cases and reports from each team member. An investigation from Anti-Corruption was attached to each file. DCI Chester never played by the rules. He dreaded the day she would make a grave mistake that could jeopardise the departments future.

"You knew I would find out that she met with Theodore Gracy. What the hell was you thinking?"

He took a pack of peppermint chewing gum from his desk drawer and popped one in his mouth. After a chest infection almost crippled him four years ago, his wife took control and prompted him to stop smoking. Eventually he smoked his last cigarette, but the addiction to chewing gum replaced it.

"DCI Chester and I believed it would help with the case on the two dead prostitutes." He replied.

"Dammit Oliver! You both just made the SCU look incompetent. He is probably laughing in his cell right now!" Levi's voice boomed in the office. Oliver cleared his throat.

"With all due respect Levi, the foundations of criminal profiling were made by interviewing the most vile and evil serial killers." He countered and Levi bit his lip, an amused look played on his face.

"That's correct; however, they were not investigating a case."

"Our main lead was murdered Levi. From what DCI Chester has told me, Gracy has pulled up a new lead for her to investigate." Oliver explained.

"He fucking better, otherwise I'm pulling the plug. Anti-corruption are on our ass Oliver, we can't afford fuck ups." Levi warned him. He turned to his printer and slid the warrant across the desk.

"And there won't be. That I can assure of." Oliver confirmed as he grabbed the warrant and left the office.


The sun beamed in through the wide windows of the precinct lobby emitting a warm glow at the reception desk. The young receptionist smiled and flirted with one of the building guards. Morgan fumbled in her pockets to find her building pass. She felt the velvet lanyard and pulled it out before she swiped it against the reception barrier. The plastic panels opened. Theodore Gracey's words played over and over in her mind as she walked through.

Cole and Rowan had exited the lift and waved at Morgan as they spotted her. They stopped and briefly spoke her going to HMP Belmarsh.

"You've got guts Chester. Catch you later." Cole chuckled and patted her shoulder as he walked out the barriers.

"Excuse me, Morgan?" a woman's voice echoed to her as she pressed the button to call the lift.

Morgan turned and saw a woman standing in the lobby. She walked away from the lift and back through the barrier. Cole stood back and watched carefully from the revolving doors. As Morgan approached her, she recognized her from a brief encounter at the hospital. The woman looked distressed.

"How can I help?" Morgan asked.

The woman raised her hand and it connected with Morgan's cheek. Her eyes widened. The sting rippled through the left side of her face. A red handprint mark would appear later. The lobby fell silent. All eyes were on Morgan and this woman.

"That's for ruining my marriage, you disgusting tramp." She spat at Morgan. Cole sprinted across the lobby and stood between the two women.

"Miss you have just assaulted a Detective. I'm going to have to arrest you." He warned her.

"She's the one sending my husband dirty pictures and having an affair with him."

"I don't know who you are." Morgan shrugged.

"I'm Martin Buck's wife."

Morgan's mouth fell open and she ran her tongue over her front teeth. A dry chuckle escaped her lips. There was a line Morgan never crossed and that was sleeping with married men. She put her hand on Cole's shoulder and nodded for him to let her go. Morgan's posture relaxed and she pursed her lips.

"I'm sorry." She meant it. The woman scoffed and punched Morgan just below her eye. She fell onto the floor.

Cole and another police officer sprung into action and arrested the woman as she screamed threats at Morgan. She was escorted away from the lobby by officers. Cole reached out his hand and Morgan took it.

"Damn. That is going to bruise, Chester."

He assessed her face carefully. She winched when his thumb brushed against the sensitive area. Morgan shrugged him off and straightened her jacket. She looked around at the people who watched the commotion.

"Shows over people." She picked up her pass and phone from the floor. Cole looked around and started approaching the crowd to disperse. The embarrassed feeling was pushed to the darkest depths as she pulled open the doors to the stairs.

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