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Yay the prologue is here! 

First and foremost, thank you for the vote I really appreciate it. I hope you find this story interesting. Enjoy!

PS: Oh I purposely put Bai Yu's latest song up there for you guys to listen because baby sang so good ❤️️❤️️❤️️

He has always known he was different.

He supposed one simply does not have the knowledge of their past lives and lives to tell the tale about it. He knew the moment he woke up in the middle of the night of his ninth birthday, sweat drenched all over his pajama and a familiar name on his lips. He knew then, that his fate is not to be a piano prodigy like his parents wanted him to, or even the person with the name he was born into.

His fate ought to be with that person; whoever he is, wherever he is.

So he started to skip his lessons, ditch most of the performances and going as far as sneaking out after curfew hours that had his parents worried sick all night. He was grounded right away when he got back in the morning, his parents' faces beet red from embarrassment and anger when they offered a few apologies to the officers before they were sent back. His parents summed it up as him going through some rebellious state and even early puberty, and his lessons were replaced with counselling sessions, his performances were put back until he was deemed stable again; though he had never consider himself unstable in the first place.

They convinced him that whatever dream he was having, whoever person he was looking for, it was all in his head; an illusion he created in his mind. However, no matter how much they persistently tried, he just could not shake the feeling of wanting to meet this person who often visited him in his dreams.

When he started to spout nonsense about being a mountain god and a chief of SID, a department consisted of a human cat, a snake lady, a science geek, a ghost, a zombie and a naive kid, that was all his parents could take. Having their kid sent to the psychiatry was apparently proven to be a huge blow to their high self-esteem, and instead, he was sent away from the public eyes; under the care of a family he never knew about, except for the wide smile on their faces when he arrived in front of their house, and a check of many figures in their hands.

It did not come as a surprise for him when he was sent to the orphanage on the very next day.

Living in the orphanage, in return, had turned out to be a huge advantage for him. There are more kids than he would have ever imagined living there, and no one searched or even realized he had gone missing from time to time. No one reprimanded him when he ditched school or when he went out after curfew hours. No one paid him much attention, but when someone did, it was that of the neighborhood bullies. He had a fair share amount of winning the fights, but most times than not, he came back bruised and battered. He does not understand why though, for neither was he weak nor strong. And he did not consider himself as some sort of a bully or a gangster either. All he did was minding his own business.

Maybe that was what made him a target.

Or maybe they were the local vigilantes who suspected him and finally caught him kidnapping the black cats around the neighborhood, preferably fat and fluffy, and then was seen trying to communicate with the said black cat, all the while calling it Daqing. He did put the cat back where he took it though, with a strip of soft chicken jerky of course; out of courtesy when the cat did tried to communicate back. He appreciated the effort, but none of them turned out to be the cat in his dreams.

There was also that one time he brought back a ten inches young python that he found at the swamp during the school camping trip. He had put the unsuspected reptile in his bag pack for the whole three days, only for it to slither out from the small opening of his bag and onto the lap of his poor classmate who was sitting next to him in the bus on their way back. There was a series of screams and screeches around him that had woken him up from his slumber, total chaos ensued right after in the bus. He remembered shedding a considerable amount of big fat tears while fighting the animal control's workers from taking the snake from him, making a scene out of a soap opera drama on the floor of the bus. He only stopped crying when it was revealed that the python was a male, and he had sheepishly gone back to his seat and fake sleep all the way back.

He would regularly chased after every guys he found somewhat buff and arrogant, or one that was awkward and scrawny; the preference was quite uncanny if someone were to point out. Most of the time with the muscle guy, he either ended up in a police station or with a broken nose; sometimes, both. All with the same report of him trying to convince someone they were a zombie and trying to start an apocalypse. Even the police station refused to take him in custody at some point. Different with the scrawny guy though, they were almost always kind to him; well, at first. They would listened to his story about a kid who was actually a lamp wick, asking here and there during the story telling that he was sure not even related to the plot at all. By the end of the day, he found himself in front of the mental institution; a sympathy look and a gentle pat on his back. That was when he started to beat the kid senselessly and ended up at the police station again.

He never get close to a science geek though. Too much trouble.

When he entered high school, he was known as Zhao the nutcase. Or Zhao the handsome nutcase according to some, though not many would try their chances with him. Understandable, for he was not called a nutcase for nothing.

Teenage Zhao Yunlan was more carefree, recklessly living his life with little to no worries. He was often seen wandering around the school grounds at night and many times than not, giving the poor security guard on duty a mild heart attack. Usually he got away with a simple warning but whenever he got sent into the principal's room on the next day, he always came up with the same excuse of finding a couple of ghosts he believed were his friends. While the reason should be enough to send people shivering in their seats, the exasperated principal had grown tired of it he sent Zhao Yunlan out with a good luck wish, hoping that the poor boy found what he was looking for and graduate quietly.

Zhao Yunlan did graduated quietly, with no one to congratulate him or sending him warm wishes. He never find the ghosts, nor he get to enroll in a university; something he had been looking forward to. The orphanage kicked him out soon after he graduated, something he believed they had been eager to do since day first; leaving him little to no time to figure out his situation and he found himself working days and nights on whatever jobs he managed to get trying to make a living for himself.

Life was hard on him, though he preferred to appear otherwise. There were times he cried himself to sleep missing his family on a particular rough day and the man in his dream would always come and soothe the pain away with promises and soft talks. He still came to in the morning alone and lonely, sad and heartbroken.

Finding Shen Wei had and will always be his priority yet as the years passed, the promises became an empty shell void without any meaning to them and when the man stopped visiting his dreams, Zhao Yunlan had no time to mull over it. When the dreams of his past lives stopped coming altogether, Zhao Yunlan had no power nor control over them.

He simply let them be.


So I have decided to update every Sunday (or maybe Wednesday and Sunday if I feel like it) but that is the plan for now and if you ever feel like following this story, you know when I will be back with an update so be sure to be there.

Comments and votes are much appreciated, thanks for reading and see you next Sunday!

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