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And this will be the last update for this week! Or this month? Who knows, tee-he. Also I left you guys with a cliffhanger, sorry not sorry!

Zhao Yunlan was surprised when a strong hand pulled him across the room, away from the stupefied woman.


He protested when he was dragged until they were outside of the house, back at the vast green land and Zhu Yilong pulled him around to face him when they stopped, his hands were tight when they grip Zhao Yunlan on both arms.

Seeing the terrified look of the other, Zhao Yunlan was instantly in alarm. He touched the hand that was gripping him in a death lock gingerly, trying to calm the man.

"Shen Wei. What's wrong?" Zhao Yunlan, concern etched on his face.

But Zhu Yilong was still looking terrified, his hold tightened and he shook the whole being that was Zhao Yunlan once, hard and firm; startling the man.

"You--" he looked at Zhao Yunlan in immense disbelief.

"How can you? I thought it was between us?!"

He cried out, the accusation was clear in his voice and Zhao Yunlan was confused. "What do you mean?"

"The—the reincarnation thing! It was supposed to be between us, why would you tell her that? That was uncalled for!" he sounded desperate, terrified and desperate it made Zhao Yunlan felt equally terrified. And guilty. The sigh that came out from his mouth was shallow.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know I have to keep it between us, you didn't tell me either. I was just--" he reasoned, and there was a slight tremble in his voice when he continued.

"I was just telling the truth."

That somehow enraged the man even more for his face contorted into a furious one as he scoffed, "the truth?"

"It was no truth! God, did you hear yourself when you speak? Like most of the time? No one wanted to hear some—some batshit crazy made up story here! Can't you be a little more sensitive?!"

He shouted the words right in front of the other face and by the time he collected himself a little, Zhao Yunlan was staring at him with his lips slightly parted and eyes bright with unshed tears. He looked appalled. And there was an eerie stillness between them before Zhao Yunlan spoke.

"Do you?" he asked with shaky breath and Zhu Yilong felt himself almost breathless when he replied.


"Hear yourself?"

Zhu Yilong was robbed out of his words upon the question, swallowing hard before he let out a gasp softly. There was a tremor in his eyes, unfocused as each and every single word he said played back at the back of his mind like an old cassette. It was broken, and it was unkind. He gasped again, a burn in his eyes and then wetness. He tried to search for one word that could take him out of the immense regret welled in his heart, and he found none. Not even sorry.

He was utterly, irrevocably done for.

"Zhao Yunlan, I--"

"Why are you so mean?" he sounded more pained than anything when Zhao Yunlan voiced it out, the crack in his voice and the trembling of his lips; the tears threatening to fall. He took a deep, shaky breath before he continued in an even painful voice.

"Why is everyone so mean?"

The word stabbed him right to the core and Zhu Yilong felt his throat tightened, his chest twisted painfully it made him gasped for air; his breath short and rugged. His own vision turned blurry and he let out a sob.

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