195 12 5

So sorry for the late update.


With a grit of his teeth, Zhu Yilong got up from his seat, almost sending the chair flying backwards and walked in big, hurried stride toward the man sitting in the middle of the room. He snatched the paper on the floor before Zhao Yunlan could reach for it.

The man looked up at him with a confused look.

He looked back at the man with labored breathing, swallowed and looked down at the paper in his hand; sighing in relief when it was not damaged. He brushed the paper with the back of his hand to dust it off.

"Don't mind her." He suddenly said. "She is not very nice."

Zhao Yunlan raised his brows at the remark, opening his mouth to say something but Zhu Yilong beat him to it.

"And don't get me wrong either." He continued, looking up at the man again when he was convinced the paper was safe and sound in his hand.

"I did not purposely ask you to apologize to her as a way to mock you or something. In a way, you do owe an apology to her. I did it just so she couldn't find any fault in you in the near future."

He explained the reason of his action like it was the most serious matter in hand when he noticed the look he was given. Zhao Yunlan stared at him wide eyes, his lips parted a little; stupefied. His face instantly felt flushed with the realization that he apparently had talked too much.

Zhu Yilong swallowed, again, and ducked his head down in embarrassment; finding interest at the paper in hand yet again before quickly turned on his heels and was back on his seat in a second. He put the piece of paper on top of the piling files on his desk.

"Eh, my paper..." Zhao Yunlan muttered under his breath as he watched it being taken away.

"That is being said, you best stay away from her."

He added, loosening his tie that suddenly felt too tight before he pulled a random file and brought it upon his eyes, studying the content that refused to get into his brain. He pretended otherwise anyway. There was a pregnant silence in the room after that, with him suddenly felt overly conscious of the look he was given by the other man.

"Shen Wei...why are you telling me this?"

He heard Zhao Yunlan asked him from across the room, his voice small; unsure. He blinked at one particular word in the document, giving it too much attention than it had any right to be. The hold he had on the file tightened as he inhaled deeply, looking away from word.

"Just because."

He replied nonchalantly before his eyes pressed shut in annoyance as well as his mouth, forming a straight line when he put the file down on the desk, putting too much effort in doing so when the file hit the surface with a thump. He breathed out heavily.

"And you have to stop calling me Shen Wei, can't you read?" he knocked at the nameplate on his desk in irritation.

Zhao Yunlan moved his line of sight to the nameplate on the table, it was in flawless optic crystal with a name engraved on the surface with distinctive Roman style letters that appeared to be floating within the crystal. It was spelled 'William' followed by a name in Chinese character.

Zhu Yilong.

Zhao Yunlan let his gaze lingered a moment longer on the nameplate before he looked away, there was a hint of subtle dismay in his eyes before he clicked his tongue, a small smile appeared on his face.

You From Yesterday (Today and From Now On)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora