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Yang Rong started, her eyes trailed downward to where Zhao Yunlan was sitting awkwardly in the group downstairs.

"You dolled him up."

She eyed the oblivious man intently, noticing the way the man was dressed in branded clothes from head to toe even some celebrities would think twice before buying. She narrowed her eyes.

"Did you bring him to the spa? His skin looks glowing."

"Stop looking at him you sly fox." Zhu Yilong warned under his breath, forcing the woman to look at him with amused smile.

"Why? Even shy Jeffery kept throwing looks at him. You should give yourself some credit for making him looks that good."

The woman playfully taunted him, smirking when he took the bait; throwing his gaze so fast to the aforementioned man and caught him throwing glances at Zhao Yunlan every now and then, and he scowled; the nerve of that guy. His eyes turned menacing and the timber of the railings groaned under his tight grip. Yang Rong frowned at the unnecessary display of strength and clicked her tongue loudly to distract the man.

"I would be crossed with you for being late but since you put an effort to make him look good for the sake of my party, I'll call it even." She tucked a stray hair behind her ear, the pearl of her earring glinting brilliantly under the light. Then she tilted her head to the side slightly, considering him for a second with curious look before she added, "Or was it for your sake?"

Zhu Yilong stared back at her. "You would be even more crossed if I had not dressed him the way you like. You only like pretty things anyway." he retorted with a scoff.

"Good answer." She smirked with a surprisingly pleased expression. She brought her eyes toward Zhao Yunlan only to find him gone from the seat. She was momentarily alarmed before she found the man loitering around the buffet line, looking unsure at the food served on the table. She considered him for a moment before giving a comment.

"He looks decent enough for a crazy person as you claimed him to be."

Her eyes followed his every movement, failing to notice any peculiar behaviour from the man. Zhu Yilong frowned.

"I did not call him crazy, mind you." he snapped, glaring at the woman before he too, following her line of gaze toward the man across the room. He bit his lips; uncertain before he sighed, deciding to go for easier term to describe Zhao Yunlan's condition.

"He's just—a little too imaginative."

The woman just hummed softly in response, showing neither interest nor any deep thought about what it was supposed to mean; her eyes firmly glued to the man of the talk. Zhu Yilong assumed they were dropping the topic and stood there in silence, both watching the man from afar with unexplainable feelings.

Zhao Yunlan got bored a minute after Zhu Yilong left, the others were quick to fall into a light conversation between them and he was suddenly the odd one out in the group. He sipped on his drinks in silent, listening to the people around him without any real purpose. He shifted on his seat when Jeffery kept stealing glances at him, and then ducking his head bashfully when he was caught. Truly a discomfort.

He was made too conscious with the way he looked upon the unsolicited attention so he braved himself to walk away from them, remembering the buffet table near the entrance and hurried his steps to get there. He grabbed a plate from the stack and scanned the food on the table, only to get baffled at the myriad of choices before his eyes. None of them looked edible to him, plastic like and too pretty to be eaten.

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