Kill or be killed.

13 4 1

I was renderd speechless as well as motionless, nothing to say nothing to think about,I needed a plan, a plan to get me and my problems into one thing we all call a solution. There was only one possible person I could talk to. The King. That arrangements were made, I was to meet the King at Mid-day, in the meeting room in the sixth wing on the South. I don't know why but I dressed to impress, one of the maids did my hair with a hot comb so it was straitened and longer.
I wore my best shoes, and made Mt way down the hall. I arrived at the meeting room to see the King dress to kill, or maybe to my eyes that is what it seemed to be. He gave me a smirk, of which I tried to ignore but I found myself grinning like a fool.
"Delilah" He said approaching me ready to kiss my lips but I turned giving him my cheek alone.
"You wanted to talk, last I heard"
"Yes your Majesty, after what happened, am afraid I can't hold up your offer anymore, I know about the Angels Sword in holy matrimony" I said.
"Well then, you know that I will not be able to keep the expense of your grandmothers hospitality in Oerlin."
"Your Majesty, t-that is unfairness of the highest order" I exclaimed surprised at my own tone."You know better than anyone your Majesty that this one is your cross to bare"
"Delilah, maybe your the one who is not accepting that this...your grandmother cannot be saved!" He bowled.
"I don't want to die" I said, tears welding up in my eyes like a river about to break it's banks, he looked at me filled with sympathy and pity.
"Delilah, there is one way we can save you" He finally said and my joy escalated.
"How so?" I asked
"Kill or be killed"
"Your Majesty, I don't understand.
"Damien. You have yo kill him." 
"Me..why...why not you"
"Delilah, the boy loves you or at least he thinks he does. He'll be vulnerable to you, make it quick."
"Tomorrow, when the night claims the day."
"Your  Majesty...may I ask you something."
"Anything my love"
"What are you?"

YOUR KINGDOM COMETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang