Blood for wine

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I watched the king's and the queens eyes meet. They gave no emotion whatsoever. There was no smile or tears of joy, there was no embrace just a cold hard stare,with silence that had rented the air, never had I ever heard pin drop silence that was so loud.
"Rafael,good seeing you again my brother."
He said approaching Rafael for a brotherly embrace. He ignore the Queen, it was as if she was just part of the fine artistic walls that kept the castle standing at attention,but nobody would ever pay attention to them until they crambling down, and you couldn't catch it or push it away.
We entered the Colossal dining room. It lived up to its name entirely,it was huge with walls made of cream, that had little patterns that you would notice if you looked hard enough, then above them were huge vast windows,that didn't dare hide the huge city that seemed to never shy away it's beauty.
At the center of the room, there was a huge table, Delilah swore that if there were six men laid there on there backs there would be room for four more.
She took her seat next to Daimen, thinking of only him.
I stretched my hand to his unded the table and entwined my fingers with his of which he gladly let me.
"Shall we say grace" The King commanded. We all joint hands and began to pray to the Lord of Atlantis (God)

After Grace the King ordered one of the Batlers to serve as food.
"So Delilah, right?"The queen asked me.
"Yes it is I your highness"
"So you are the pathetic village girl,who is said to marry my son" She said as I looked at her offended.
"Mind your language." The King said to her bowling.
"Well I can't have a wreck like you marrying my son, what message would we be sending you those stupid villagers"
"They are not stupid your majesty, they are kind and compassionate." I said with my voice ragging with anger.
"You dare speak to me that way, village girl." She said as I began to realize my mistake.
"Slay her! And have her head served to me before dawn" She ordered as one of the guards came and grabbed me, tears immediately crowned my eyes and began to stream down my visage.
I looked at the King, silently beging him to withdraw the order... but my pleas fell on deaf ears.
I saw Daimen, be

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