Saints and sinners

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Two neighs(weeks) had flown by. Mystic going to hell and back with Lucifer. She didn't want anyone to know that she could still feel Delilah's presence. Delilah was fighting, but she wasn't strong enough.
"Stop fighting Delilah, your never gonna win" she told her, but Delilah was to scared of her to answer back.
Mystic had created a relam full of darkness, it was cold and had all sorts of creatures.

That's where Delilah was.
When she entered the relam she was dead with fear to the core, the cold had made its way to her vains and into her blood. She was the coldest she had ever been, then, that's when he appeared.
"She took you" she looked at him as she was on the cold hard floor hugging her knees. She quickly moved back scared he would hurt her.
"I won't hurt you I promise, she took me too"
"H-how can I trust y-you" she asked him trembling like a blade of grass against a whirl of wind.
"I can't hurt you, only she can"
She looked at the man once more hopping that he wouldn't be lying to her, she took this hand that stretched out for her and they walked hand in hand.
They stopped at a place and it was a bit darker, and Delilah closed her eyes and imagined what it would look like if it had green trees and petals that fell gently from the sky, a place that was warm and had butterflies everywhere together with humming birds that hummed there melodious tunes. She opened her eyes and it was as if her thoughts had become reality, Rafael was transfixed to the ground with confusion as he looked at the beautiful scenery.
"How did you do that"
"I don't know now really, I just thought"
"You must be very special then"
" Thank you but am just a mistake" she said with a heavy heart, and the minute she did the weather became dark again.
"No! Don't worry, we all make mistakes but that doesn't mean we become them, trust me." He said wipping of the tear that gently flowed down her cherry cherub checks.
The warm hearted girl quickly came back to life.
They walked for nearly 30 miles when they decided to set up a place to camp. Rafael wasn't expecting visitors, he only had equipments to last him alone. He set up the tent as Delilah sat by the fire. After picking the tent he approached  Delilah and she made way for him to seat on the old dirty log that leaked of honey, just like Delilah wished.
"You shall retire to bed in there" he said referring to the tent.
"And as for you" she asked.
"I shall be fine with the stars and the fireflies" he said looking at the beautiful sky with all sorts of stars.
"Where are you from?" She asked him.
"A plannet called Argo, I see you don't recognise me though"
" My apologies" she said as she looked at him keenly but she couldn't make out who he was.
"May you remind me who you say you are?" She asked kindly.
He chuckled a little then bore into her eyes.
"The punisher."

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