My name is Lucifer.

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"Must I say your nothing like I expected, Oh my demons, your so good and innocent... I can snell it from here it's...ugh" He said as if he was disgusted by her purity.
"Have I disappointed you sir?" Delilah muttered in a soft voice.
"By the...your English is so old, and unfashionable and you sound like that idiot I met in 1864; Niklaus who I was determined was bad then little bastard grew up to be Santa Klaus.... Whatever you should come to L.A(Los Angeles) it's amazing there, so anyway where you from and what did you do?" He said giving her a smirk as Delilah tried to hide her offended face.
"The city of Atlantis sir"
"Don't call me sir, it makes me feel old" he said bitterly.
"Are you not though?" She asked hopping not to offend him.
" Now now now Delilah you do not want to get on my bad side?" He said softly but harshly.
" May I ask you something si- pardon me Lucifer" Delilah asked coining the dictum old habits die hard.
"What would you like me to call you?"
"Lucifer, it's my name, and I have a feeling were going to be great friends!"
He then gestured Delilah to follow him. She walked carefully and steadily as if one of the huge cracks in the ground would fall apart and take her down to whatever lay beneath the red soil.
She then found herself In what seemed to be a castle, it was ugly and falling apart, the walls that kept it standing were cracked, and the roof that kept the bright red son from burning the demons was gone.
He had a dark red carpet that led to his throne of thorns. He sat and a demon put a crown of fire on his head.
Didn't it burn? Delilah asked herself, she had an expression of concern on her face.
"Mallus, bring up Liberty" the demon obeyed and opened a book, it was like a projector, you could see everything everywhere.
The past. The present. The future.
"Daimen" Delilah could see him, it was in the past, long before they met, he was young he was just a boy of about sixteen-seventeen seasons old.
He was walking down an narrow path in the Maryland woods. He had blood smeared on his face like oil, and a container of kerosene in his hand. What for? Delilah asked herself.
Then what the future revealed is what no man should have to know. There laid two bodies, one her grandfathers and another her father's. They lay helpless and lifeless, they had been ripped apart, they had died of profound bleeding, blood was still gushing out from her father's neck which had been torn apart from his head. The kill was fresh.
He hastily poured the gasoline quickly around the body and lit on fire, and that way they burned to the ground.
The next scene was him running to a warlocks shop not too far away from the woods...he told her what he had done, he begged her to tell him who he had killed, so he could know what to do, how to cover up if the Prime Minister invited him for an interview about an 'Animal attak'
Peter and Harvy Denzel, that was the third scene, him learning the names of his victims, they have a daughter and granddaughter, Delilah Denzel. He knew. He knew what he had done, and he had vowed never to say a word, she could feel it. She was amplified with rage at volcanic pitch. He killed them, he was a monster. A murderer. How could she live such a man?
She turned to Lucifer who seemed to have his eye on a little boy debating with himself whether or not he should steal some fresh made cookies. Lucifer was trying to tempt him.
"Lucifer" she called him, with hit tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Why the hell are you crying! Am not good with crying girls!" he said with disappointment and a hint of anger.
"Did Daimen know?"
"What?" He said scoffing.
"Did he know that who I was when he killed my parents?"
"How the hell did you know that Daimen hasn't told that to a single soul"
" I-" she began but was interrupted.
"Bloody hell, you saw it didn't you, everything right now you can see it, you have the sight"
" Of course I can, can't evry one?"
"How the hell could I have forgotten" he said standing up pinching the bridge of his nose, then placing his hands on his hips sighing in frustration.
He paced around the floor this time his hands v-shaped on his chin.
"How could I miss this? Your a Denzel, your one of them, your a...

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