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Her heart beat vehemently in her chest, it was like it was amplified,she could feel it in her throat in her stomach and even in her ears. She could feel that she was not the only one worried but somebody else. Daimen. He was anxious, she could feel his emotions, he was angry, he was confused, he was hurt.
The King however, was not too worried, he seemed at peace actually.

Is he happy I am meeting the father of all demons? Does he know that he can take my life in the snap of a finger?
I questioned myself, getting no answer whatsoever.
The pod came to a halt, I was roughly extracted from the pod as if I was a prisoner refusing to take the charges of execution
I looked around me, I smelt the air and listened to how the trees swayed. We were in the 'Zoan woods.' Zoa in Atlantican meant Wonder. They were created to make people feel like they were wondering there forever. The ancestors didn't want anyone meeting face to face with the King of all demons; Deep into the Zoan woods was a portal to the place where no one dared utter it's name. Monam.

The symbol of Lucifer was made on the ground with fire, Delilah was inside it.
The circle was surrounded by a triangular star of fire touching it's vertices.
Then a portal opened and a man jumped out. He had a serious look on his face, his teeth clenched together forming a sharp jawline, his hands were clenched as well but it looked like golden dust was falling out of his hands but never touched the ground. He was holding the fire of Abraham, the father of all Nations.
"What a shame, a beautiful girl like you falling into the devil's wrath....God bless your soul"
He said and began chating in Daxim. He was a warlock, a Daxim warlock. One of the most powerful of all time

The symbol began to light up. Delilah inside, she could fell the heat, burn her inside out. It was like being put in a bakers oven after the bread had been made. She tried to be brave,and to pretend she didn't feel the burn, but she knew that it hurt. She let out a loud screams. She screamed for Daimen six times and she had him scream for her too. Everything she was feeling he was feeling. Then suddenly the pain stopped.
She had arrived.
She looked at the screeching demons in the sky. They were circling around her from the sky making a three hundred and sixty degree circle. They sounded alarms informing an intruder, she looked at the red sky, with a tear cascading down her visage.
Then with a thud behind her, stood a man, he was handsome he had white wings like the one of an angel. Was he God?
"I've been expecting you Delilah."

YOUR KINGDOM COMEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora