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The following chapter is influenced by the Author of Me and her on Wattpad EveN1820the characters Catlin and killer frost from the flash. And a friend off mine who writes about speedsters FabzySam. Check them out!!!!

Mystic hastily wiped the tears of in confusion. She had brocken free, free from the body she was trapped in for the longest time possible.
" did well"
"She was innocent, and patheticly stupid."
" You really pulled it off with the 'you can see everything in here'. Am guessing the queen kept her end of the deal"
" Surprisingly."
"Alright then, get me some knew cloths luv, were going to see the queen"
She said walking away as Lucifer summoned a twilight demon to get her some fresh cloths. Leather jeans and a leather jacket. They suited her well with her hair which had become dark and flawless, her eyes were now dark not hazel. She was truly amazing.
"You can take a photo, it will last longer" she said with a smirk.
" How about we be in our way"
"You know I had that Delilah is going or was going to marry Daimen"
"Yes, trust me, we've all missed you around here darling, everything went according to plan"
"So the old woman is in the hospital"
"Yes, she is"
" Well, that will be our first stop, I have imagined her death in several different ways,and am thinking I should go with all of them combined"
She said walking in front of Lucifer as he was finishing up his glass of scotch. She took the glass and placed it on the table he was leaning on. She pulled her face close to his and smiled, "I've missed you so much darling" Lucifer said.
"Kiss me" she demanded, she was demanding, and that is what made her perfect for him.
He kissed her intensely and roughly, just like they both loved it. Her fingers ran through his dark hair and pulled him in deeper.
They stopped and bore into each other's eyes.
"What a wonderful wife I have" Lucifer said.
"Am a lucky girl" Mystic said culling his check
"Shall we?"He said to her
They assembled at the center of the room as they held hands and the sky ripped into two. They birthed their wings and flew out of Monam and into Atlantis.
They landed at the Oerlin hospital and asked a woman to direct them where Baa was, then Lucifer pulling her into a hug took a knife out and stabbed her. As Mystic saw what he had done smirked to herself.
They entered the room where Baa was. She sat in her rocking chair reading her favourite books. 'Hard times' By: Charles Dickens. A book from one of the most amazing book Authors from Earth.
Mystic took the book from her roughly making her rip a page.
"Missed me?" She asked.
Baa gasped in fear and immediately knew that she was going to die against her worst enemy.
She did the sign of the cross and began to mutter a short prayer but was rudley interrupted.
By her knitted sweater she was grabbed and thrown across the room.
Her back shattered a lamp that broke into smitherings.
"You put me in that pathetic body!!!!!" She yelled" And now you must die, but that would be too kind"
She took a blade out of her her pocket engulfed in heavenly fire, and stuck in her chest, the blade suck in deeper and soon was never to be seen, it was a blade only she could use. It was entitled, milheda. Which is the demonic language for pain and misery . And it could only be used by the mystic which was her.
They then headed for the castle, the huge doors were opened by the guards trying not to tremble.
In front of them stood the queen the King and Daimen.
Daimen's eyes were on Mystic and her eyes were on him, he stepped forward and brought her into an embrace.
"Good to see you little sister"

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