The Queen and the Parlor.

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Delilah awoke, the sun was piercing but warm, it mad beautiful City look the most dazzling and spectacular. Her wound was healing, but not as fast as it did with the King.
The King, his son. Both. She loved. How did she get into this mess so quickly? I was angry,  angry for being foolish for entertaining such a thought that brought me to this very deal. But then I began to think...was my anger misplaced? How could I be angry for doing all this to save Nana Baa?
"Ma'am"one if the maids called for me.
"Yes, Angelica"
"We need to have you ready, you are about to meet the Queen and if your lucky enough you might even meet the Parlor!"
"She said cheerfully"
"The Queen I have heard of, but may I ask you, who is the Parlor?"
"Oh Your Majesty do you not know? The Parlor is A king from Neptune a planet not so many light years away, you get different abilities every time you visit a different Plannet, so when he comes to our Planet Atlantis especially the Capital Livid he is able to read the minds of people, therefore know if the ones to marry truly love each other or not"
Delilah took a deep breath in, now all would know what she had done, even the Devil
"W-what would happen if he does not see you fit for holy matrimony?" I asked drowning in a see of worry and guilt.
"Well Dominance, he has a powerful chair in the High Council of the universe,he could do with you whatever he pleases."
"Tell me about the Queen." I needed to know what I was up against.
"The Queen isn't from this planet either, she is a Green Martian from Mars, she can do extraordinary things, like fly high in the sky like the morning birds, and she has sight like the Eagles, and she has the power to see into somebody's mind but nothing compared to the Parlor" she said as I felt my speech leaving me when I needed it the most, I haven't even realised that she had finished dressing me, then there was a knock on the door. Daimen gently let himself in.
He stretched out his elbow towards Delilah, and of which she gladly locked her arm around.
"Shall we my lady?"
"We shall"
They arrived at the Castle entrance to be met by one of the most expensive pods, in it a woman and a man.
The woman was beautiful, she had long hair that was grayish-whitish in color which flowed over her shoulders and came to a halt right above her bossom. The man was handsome to with dark hair that only fell to his shoulders, they both had deep blue eyes, you could bore into them now, and get lost in them forever.
"Delilah, let me introduce you to Amelle the Queen, and Rafael the Parlor chair of the High Council of the Universe." I didn't hesitate to plaster a banana grin on my face.
"Pleasure" the Queen said as I kept my smile vivid
"Pleasure is all mine"
The Parlor looked at her, observing her hour glass figure. She continued to fake her smile.
"You fake smile is impressive" he said and walked away.
Was he already reading her mind? And by the way, what was Dominace?

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