Chapter 13

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Yoongi was working on his laptop and it was late at night. Jin left earlier cuz he really had to leave for packing while Jimin was sitting on the sofa at Yoongi's office.

'Hmm, its boring.' Jimin scratch his nape. its been 2 hours since Yoongi came back and washed himself in his attached bathroom. Jimin rest his small palm on his ripped jeans and starts to play with his knee.

Yoongi gave him a glance. He knew Jimin must be getting bored but he had to finish that paper work 'cuz it was important as well . If he didn't finished it Then he must be in trouble the next day. Cuz drug supplies on time is really important.

After Two hour he saw Jimin already sleep on the couch. He gets a deep sighs , his neck was in pain, he carefully turn of his laptop and starts to windup the things without making noise. He gets up and walk toward the sleeping boy.

The body laying on couch was really small, fragile and innocent. Yoongi caress his sight to the weak body in front of him that was breathing silently yet calmly. The feature of the angel was pure, flawless. his plump lips were apart and showed a slightly crooked teeth, the eye line was way beautiful. Button nose was creating the art he rarely saw, the skin was also soft he can dip his finger into it. His hairs were all over in every direction. How long he was being sleeping?? Yoongi never knows. 

He just smiled.

He smiled that was felt by his heart. The weird feeling in the pit of his stomach felt it. Because the smile wasn't fake. It wasn't the plastic he had to wore when he is in battle field in front of his enemy. Or the smile he plaster on while dealing the drugs, killing the enemies. Because that smile he had to wore no mater what. To tell that he is stronger, to tell that he can rule the world, to tell that he is the king of Mafia community.

But what's with his smile today? sitting on knees watching a fragile beauty sleeping in front of him. The smile is making weird feeling inside of him. He can feel himself weak in front of the sleeping figure.

'You killed my Dad you asshole.' 

A memory run in front of his eyes as he Jumped back hard. His back hit the table which cause the boy jolted up from sleeping.

"H-hyung. What happe-ned?" He asked. Worried face was obvious. His breaths was heavy.

Yoongi gain his consciousness back and quickly gets up.

"Nothing. Let's go home. Its late." He speaks in a low voice and gets up walking toward his laptop bag and pick it up, not forgetting the car key's and mobile.

"O-kay." Jimin nods and gets up behind the man. Must be annoying toward his stuttering habit. 



The ride was silent. Only a radio was making noise. The boy was staring outside the window and Yoongi's eyes were fixed on the road.

'why that memory? I told that I'll fix everything. Why this memory has to make me feel guilt this hard. maybe................maybe he didn't forgive me yet? that memory won't hit my head if he forg-'


A soft voice interrupted his thoughts.

"hmm?" He hums in response, playing with the steering wheel.

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