Chapter 17

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Everyone looked at Jin. Too anxious to what he got. Jungkook hurried to Seokjin.

"H-hyung how's he?" He asked with a shaky voice. His soul was threatened. Too weak to get any bad news.

Jin take a deep sighs and smile while patting Jungkook's shoulder.

"He is too brave , Gguk. He made it."

Just this news and everyone there starts to celebrate it as kookie hugged Jin tightly so as Jimin. Hoseok jumped while covering his mouth and Yoongi just smiled, though he smile rarely he just did. Watching his team being so happy and most of them his member Tae got to be this brave and strong. He just smiled with all his heart. Genuinely.

"You can meet him, he is still not conscious yet . Maybe in one hour or two." Jin said.

"Thanks hyung. I-I will. I missed his ass so much." Jungkook speaks happily. He wiped his tears.

"Great , now I have some work left over so stay with him. Okay." SeokJin said and Jungkook nods and gone inside to Tae's room along with Jimin.

"Thank God he is safe." Hoseok said while crossing his arms.

"Yeah. I give my all to save him. Couldn't lose him." Jin said sighing as well and looked at Yoongi , who was just watching everyone. He always kept his feeling to himself and just don't speak much. Until its needed.

"Yoongi, Where is Namjoon?" Jin asked.

"He is in the basement , taking care of Jimin's parents." Yoongi response carefully low.

"Oh, you found them? How?" Jin spoke in disbelief as Hoseok gasp.

"Well, Namjoon worked hard for it. They both are found homeless on the street by one of Namjoon's perfect spy."

"Wow, that was a whole fucking crap."

"Its called Karma. They sold Jimin to being rape, but what they got is a dirty life."

"Since when?" Hoseok asked.

"For 15 years now." Yoongi response. Leaning into the wall.

"Well, right. Now I had to go. My restaurant is about to close. I'll be here tomorrow to meet Tae." Hoseok told them and greeted good bye and left.

"So what you gonna do with them?" Jin ask after Hoseok left.

"Since my father was the sinner as well. Which I won't forgive him ever. I let Jimin decide to what to do with them. His life been shit because of them." Yoongi answered tho his words was silent and emotionless. He didn't wanted to speak about his father nor remember him. Yet he had to. For now at least.

"Mhm. You are right. Hope Jimin will bear it since he don't know about it." Jin paused for a while.  "I will leave to my house now. So fucking tired. Have to treat Tae tomorrow too until he heals. Take care of maknaes." Jin said and greeted his good bye. Leaving Yoongi behind watching the close door of Tae's room.


It was night Jimin and Jungkook talked to Tae a lot like he left them for years. He make him feel well and make him eat what Seokjin gave them the description. He was sleeping now. Jimin made Jungkook to sleep on the couch in Tae's room and leave to find Yoongi.

He stood outside of his office door thinking if he should knock.

It was 2 am and he was damn tired. He raise his hand and gives three knocks.

"C'min." After hearing the response he slowly open the door and stood there. Yoongi was leaning on his chair , smoking. His sleeves was rolled up and the tattoos were shown out. Which makes him hot. He was facing away. The moon was on his high. It was looking silently beautiful. And yet another moon was staring at him. It was Yoongi.

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