Chapter 14

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2 weeks. Jin never came back to pick Jimin up no matter how much Yoongi told him to. He wanted Yoongi to be with Jimin and protect him more better then he could do.

Jimin never tried to talk Jin. He was comfortable wherever he was. Until he have food and a roof on his head.

They never talked each other much.

He just wait for Yoongi till late nights and cook whatever he can cook for Yoongi.

Yoongi never complain. He like the food no matter it was burned. He thinked its cute as long as Jimin cooked for him.

On the third day of second week. Yoongi woke up at the sharp sound of guns. He gets up. Head feeling dizzy due to too hurry. He runs toward the window but what he saw the earth was snatched away from under his feet. His throat got dry.

"J-Jimin…" his voice was somewhere in the air.

Some people were dragging Jimin into the black Van. While firing on his mansion. They were about ten to 15 people. Yoongi throw the curtain back and runs toward his phone. He knew he can't save Jimin in the short time right now.

But he knew he will save the boy as soon as possible.

He dialed the number.

The phone rings other side. The person picked up.


"Kookie, ready the vehicles and  the weapons, quick. Tell Joon ready his sniper and ask Jin to track Jimin right now. Get Tae with you. Be damn quick." Yoongi spoke in swift moment. Startling the other in worry.

"What's the rush hyung?" Kookie said in worried tone. He can heard the firing from the distance.

"They got Jimin with them. I don't fucking know who are they. But we'll find'em soon. First we had to get Jimin back. Do what I said. Ready people." Yoongi said now taking his usual gang cloths and get ready to protect Jimin.

"I I boss." Kookie said and cut the call. He rushed out and get Tae before getting everyone ready on duty.


Jimin was feeling suffocating. His breaths was slow. His head seems to blow out anytime. He tried to open his eyes. Right. His view was so much wasted. Too foggy.

His throat was dry. He feel pins in hus throat. He looked around

His blinked the fog away. After many seconds his vision came back  he was tied up with ropes on a rusty chair. His surroundings were mess. Boxes all over. The room smell like shit. The door was ahead of him. Too rusty anyone can break with a kick.

Great. His head starts to throbbing now. He smelled caffeine. Damn strong. Even his feet was all tied up. Too strong.

"Where I am?" He whispered in a shaky voice.

He was kidnapped.

That was the only thought hit him.

He starts to drowning in fear. All past thoughts that happen to him was on his view now. His eyes was throwing river. He was scared. Visibly shaking.

'Yoongi.... ple-ase s-save m-e'.

The only person he was wishing could be here with him. To protect him. To save him.

At some point in his heart. He knew.

'Yoo-ngi will c-come to p-protect me. Pl-ease J-Jimin be c-calm.

He was now a sobbing mess.


Yoongi burst inside his office building all boys were ready. Yoongi's eyes were burning with rage. His hands were shaking due to uncontrollable anger.

"Come down." He Just said as all the boys followed him under the basement where all the weapons were and a hall.

The boys were on the line.

"Namjoon." He said as Namjoon walk ahead.

"We all are ready Yoongi." He spoke.

"They took Jimin toward east side. And that's where the tracker is stopped right now." Jin explained this time.

"You sure they are on their destination."  Yoongi asked. Passing around. Too worried, anxious, furious. His heavy boots were all that were making sound in the hall after he finished speaking.

"I am not sure. They can move anytime from there. We have to move fast." Jin said after a while.

"Ready the vehicles Kookie. Tae you'll lead the  tracker device on the first car. Move." He ordered in deep voice.

The rustling of the boots can be heard all over the hall and the noise that boys made to encourage themselves.

"You know who can they be? " Jin came closer to Yoongi after Joon left his side with the boys.

Yoongi was confused. His head was a mess.

"No Jin. They take him to east. You think the east leader can have him? But we are getting along already!" Yoongi said faster. More like blabbering.

"The place Jimin's tracker is stopped is far away from where the east leader's territory is... we can't say that." Jin explain.

Of course it can't be east leader. All leader had contracts. They can't attack until they betray each other. Yoongi never betray anyone. He hate betrayals.

"I'll find who can it be. And I'll buried them under thousands feet down the earth." Yoongi raged.

"Sit on your spot, hyung and keep us update." He told Jin.

"Keep your trackers on." Jin said. He ran toward his position.

'Someone is worried.' Jin smirked.

Yoongi hold onto his 'Desert Eagle' and a pocket knife. He put the gun inside is skinny black jeans and the pocket knife in the strip on his pants.

He rushes into his Audi R8 and close the door. He hold the steer wheel tight. His mind was all focus on 'save Jimin' words. He had to protect the boy.

Who are they? What do they need from him? How do they manage inside his mansion? How do they know about Jimin? They know Yoongi, why Yoongi don't know them?

Fuck fuck fuck. His thoughts were confusing him to hell. His questions were unanswered. They need Yoongi that's why they kidnapped Jimin. Or they kidnapped Jimin because they Need only Jimin?

He start the car and without thinking anything race it out from his garage and between the line of his own boy's Vehicles .

Hold on, I'll protect you, Jimin.


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