Twenty five

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After a few days I was all better. But Jungkook was still telling me to be careful. "Don't over work yourself, if you feel dizzy just come back to the room and-" I cut him off. "I'll be fine Jungkook..." I assured him. He sighed and nodded.

"Y/n," I heard some call out my name. "Oh hey Sana." I said and she smiled. "You should come to the ball." She suggested. "Umm isn't that like for royals only." I said. "Yeah but I can sneak you in." She said. "No I really don't want you to get in trouble," I opposed. "Don't worry, no one will now it's you, it's a masquerade ball of course.." she smiled smugly. "But I'll have nothing to wear." I said. "Don't worry. Leave the details to me." She said.

I finished up my work for the day and was heading back to my room. I opened the door to be greeted by Jungkook grabbing my face. "What the-" I'm cut off by him lightly touching my face. "We're you dizzy today?" He questioned. "No.." I replied. "You sure?" He narrowed his eyes at me bringing his face closer to mine. "I'm sure." I said getting out of his grasp and scurried to the bathroom.

After a few days the palace was now prepping for the ball this coming weekend. There was tons of work to do. It's now the night before the ball. I exited the bathroom and suddenly pushed onto the bed. Jungkook quickly hovered over me. "J-Jungkook..." I stuttered. "The ball is tomorrow you know," he whispered planting a wet kiss on my neck. "Y-yes." I stuttered at the feeling which caused him to give a seductive chuckle. "I wish I could take you." He said with his lips still attached onto my neck and trailing down to my collar bones.

"Don't miss me too much while I'm gone." He he said while taking my arms and pinning them above my head. He soon came up closer to my face and leaned in. I quickly placed my hand over my lips and I felt his warm lips peck my hand. "Don't worry I won't miss you," I said . And lightly pushed my off of me. "Seriously..." he groaned in annoyance. "I won't give in," I said and laid on my side of the bed. "You will," he whispered. He quickly leaned closer to my ear and said. "It's now my aim to please you Y/ matter how long it will be screaming my name."

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