Fifty two

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Jungkook was going to be King. Time had flown by so quickly. Wow. The ceremony was going to be next week. All I have to do is sit there. Thankfully, because I don't feel like I would fit in. Even though they say just be yourself. That's harder than it looks. "What's going on in that pretty little mind of yours love." He asked sitting next to me on the couch. "Just thoughts," I said as I laid my head on his lap. "What kind of thoughts?" He smirked. "Ew, stop," I hit him playfully. "You know you love it," he smiled smugly, and I rolled my eyes. "You're going to be king, I'll be dating the king." I said. "Yeah, I guess," he said. "Now I'll have to meet the "girlfriend of the king" expectations." I sighed. "The what?" He asked. "When people see me they're gonna think wow the king could do so much better." I replied. "So, let them think what they want, screw them, all I care about is you," he replied.

The ceremony was approaching faster than I thought. It was now TOMORROW. "I'm freaking out Sana," I said. "Calm down Y/n, it's just a ceremony, it's gonna be all fine, just be yourself," she said. "I'll be by your side the entire time ." She comforted.

I awoke and hurried to Sana'a room to get ready, leaving Jungkook still asleep. "My palms are literally sweating," I whined. "Don't worry."

We got ready and tooo our seats. I didn't even see Jungkook all morning. I missed him. We were seated and the ceremony began. Somehow I felt like everyone was staring at me. I expected it since I'm not a royal and I probably look odd. I notice a familiar pair of eyes laid one me. Jackson. I never knew why he Jungkook never wanted me near him. He does creep me out a bit tho. The ceremony began and Jungkook walked out all dressed dip in his royal outfit. It just made him look even hotter than he already was. He sat down in his seat and glanced at me. He winked and averted his eyes away. I immediately blushed at his gesture.

King. He was now king. I am dating the king. Damn Y/n. "See that wasn't so bad, you made it through the ceremony." Sana cheered. "You were literally freaking out over nothing." Jimin said. Suddenly a girl approached us. She looked high class, her dark hair tied neatly in a bun and her outfit fitted on her slim body. "Jihyun I didn't know you were coming," Sana states in a somewhat irritated tone. Jihyun. That sounds for familiar. Oh god no. "Of course how could I miss it." She said bitterly. "Who's this?" She asked as she motioned to me. "This is.....Y/n," Sana said. Her eyes grew wide. "Y/n?! What are you? How are you? Does Jungkook know??" She asked in a scared tone. "Yes they have been dating for 7 months." Sana answered for me. She scoffed. "Who do you think you are to just walk in here after you lost your stupid memory and take my man!" She almost yelled. "I'm sorry but he never was your man." I replied. "You cheated one him," I reminded her. "This isn't over Y/n," she said as she sashayed away.

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