Chapter 1

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"Hurry your ass up, Line!" Gry yelled from the living room in Line's home. "I need my ice cream and chocolate." The next moment Line walked into the living room, hands full of a tub of ice cream, spoons and dark chocolate.

"I know, you do." She laid down on the bigger of the two couches, while Gry was on the other one. "We have been best friends since forever, in case you don't remember."

"Which is why I know, you know my love for chocolate and ice cream." Gry said back in her mockingly serious voice.

"I do." Line chuckled softly. "So which episode should we watch this time?" Line took the remote of the table and scrolled through the episodes of Merlin on Netflix.

"Hmm I don't know." Gry said. "Maybe the one with the troll, but you know the second part with all the fun in it."

"Oh yeah with the whole "only to the brink of death." Sounds like a good idea." Line agreed and found the episode. Just as she clicked on the episode, a thunder cracked in the distance. "They weren't kidding, when they said there was gonna be a thunderstorm tonight. Good thing, Luna isn't outside right now."

"You seriously spoils that cat too much, but hey, we are inside home alone with Merlin and snacks." Gry pointed out. "I say, we have the upper hand."

"True." Line smiled. "And it's my mom, who spoils her so much."

"In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders on a young boy. His name: Merlin." They recited in sync with the intro, leaving them giggling.

"Remember, when your father thought it was in a land of mist?" Line laughed.

"Yes." Gry laughed as well at the memory. "That was golden."

"It was." Line laughed a bit more.

That was, when a lightning could be seen, along with the familiar cracking.

"I hate storms." Line said in a slightly more serious tone. "Ever since Bodil blew our roof off."

Gry nearly choked on her ice cream. "Sorry, I know it was horrible, but revisit that statement."

"Assbutt." Line chuckled slightly and threw a pillow at her face.

"Hey," Gry threw the pillow back. "If you didnt know Bodil was a storm, you would be very confused."

"True." Line agreed and they went back to watching Merlin.

"I need a sword, a cape and a chainmail so badly right now." Gry stated with clear envy of the characters.

"Same." Line said with just as much envy. "Honestly, give me bow and arrows and Morganas wardrobe, and I will be happy."

"And I am saying again, you need to read Rangers Apprentice. You will love it." Gry tried once again, although she knew her friend isn't remotely as big of a fan of books, as she was.

"Maybe." Line answered.

"So no, you mean." Gry clarified.

"You know me. I am much more of a movie and tv show kinda girl." Line joked.

"Oh, I never knew." Gry mocked in response. "It's not a like, you have a bookcase in your room filled with them."

"It is not full." Line giggled in defense. "Yet."

"Emphasis on the word "yet"." They both laughed at that and went back to watching Merlin.

They had also always been the kind of people, who spoke a lot when watching something together, although it did annoy their friends like crazy.

All the power suddenly went out. Which also meant Merlin went out, and just as Arthur stood up to Uther about the taxes being way too high for the citizens to pay.

"Oh shit." Line said in frustration.

"It was probably the storm, and they are probably working ion it right now." Gry said although you could hear how frustrated, she was.

"The circuits are in the basement." Line tried.

"Maybe we should do like, they do in the movies." Gry joked.

"Yeah or we could try to see, what we could do." Line answered slightly joking to try and ignore the shitty situation, they were in. "If we can't do it on our own, I could always call my dad. He was an electrician before."

"Also a good idea." They chuckled.

"Either way, you are definitely coming along." Line demanded. "I hate that basement."

"Are you afraid of the jangly man?" Gry joked, referring to a movie, they just watched.

"Hey!" Line giggled and playfully smacked her arm. "You screamed just as much as I did. Besides, you know just as much as I do, that there are a crap ton of spiders down there, and if I die, you die with me."

"Not funny." Gry fake-pouted. "You know, I have slept in another room before because of one."

"I do." They made their way outside to get their shoes. "Also when you had mice." Line laughed.

"I had just watched the Doctor Who episodes with The Silence, and then I heard something inside the walls." Gry pointed out. "You would have been terrified too."

"Never said, I wouldn't." Line joked and put on her other shoe.

"Sometimes, I seriously wonder, how I have put up with you for 12 years." Gry chuckled.

"Love you too." Line smiled and opened the door, immediately feeling the wind.

"Wow, the wind is stronger, than I thought." Gry yelled over the noise of the wind.

"They ar- Wow!" Line yelled as she swept up by the wind.

"Line!" Gry quickly grabbed her best friend's hand, keen on not letting go.

"Help!" Line tried to yell, knowing it wouldn't do anything.

"Argh." Gry screamed as she too was swept up by the wind into the moonless night.

"Keep holding on." Line screamed clinging to the smaller, like her life depended on it. Cause it did.

"I am not an idjit!" At least, she hasn't lost her sense of humor or her pop culture references.

That was when the two of them fell down, landing on the hard ground. They both groaned from the pain of being stopped by the ground forcefully.

"Are you okay?" Gry asked as she saw her friend laying on the ground face up.

"I think so." Line answered. "You?"

"I am okay." Gry clarified.

"What just happened?" Line asked looking frantically around, whilst still laying on ground. "Where are we?" Line's eyes quickly darted to her friend. "And why in the world are you wearing a dress?"

Not real (Merlin) (Arthur Pendragon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now