Chapter 6

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Line was walking along with Arthur to pick out the herbs for Gaius.

"How did you two meet?" Arthur asked curiously. "You and Gry I mean?"

"I moved with my mother to the village, when I was 5, and Gry was my neighbor. We were the same age, so it seemed natural for us to be friends." Line made up on the spot. Honestly, she was a little impressed with how fast she could come up with that. "We would always play for hours upon hours, and yes we had some arguments over the years, but we have always come out the other end."

"It must be nice to have someone, who knows you that well." Arthur said as Line saw some sage and picked it up.

"It is." She smiled. "But I am sure, you have some like that too. Merlin for example."

"Merlin?" Arthur almost laughed. "Are you serious?"

"He told us, how long he has worked for you, and you are literally with each other everyday for many hours a day." Line giggled. "If anyone knows you, it's Merlin."

"You don't have any siblings then?" He ask to change the subject causing her to giggle.

"Actually, I do. I have an older sister." She answered making her feel a little sad. Would she ever see her sister again? Would Gry ever see her siblings again?

Regaining her mind, she continued. "Her name is Emily and she is 3 years older than me. She lives with my father in another village."

"Your parents doesn't live together?" Arthur asked confused.

'Shit, I forgot that divorce is not normal in the Middle Ages.' Line thought.

"No, they split when I was 5." She started explaining. "They would get into an awful lot of conflicts and in the end they decided it would be better, if they just didn't live together, so my mom got half of what they owned and moved away. She took me and my sister with her. We could visit our father often. Then about a year after the split, my sister moved in with my dad. My mom and her would argue a lot, so she left."

After seeing the perplexed look on Arthur's face, she decided to add; "It's not a very common thing to do, but I think it was best for everyone. I mean I still see my father and sister often, so I don't mind." Line bended down, when she saw wolfsbane but hissed in pain.

"Here, let me get it for you." Arthur said, picked it up and put it in the basket. "Do you want me to take you back to Gaius?"

"No it's fine. Just a wrong movement. Thanks." She smiled and they walked on.

"I have never really heard about something like that before." Arthur went on.

"As I said, it is not very common." Line responded. "But I am curious though."

"What about?" He asked.

"What do you do like to do for fun?" She asked playfully.


"Yeah, like do you ride horses, do you go hunting or do you torture Merlin?" She giggled.

"I don't torture Merlin." He chuckled.

"I don't know, he seems to think differently."
She chuckled.

"Did he now?" He asked in his conspicuous voice.

"You are going to annoy and torture him more now, aren't you?"

"Maybe." They both laughed as Line saw the last two herbs, they needed. Lavender and rosemary.

She went over to pick them up, but once again leading to her hissing in pain, and for Arthur to pick them up instead.

"I should get you back to Gaius now." Arthur said. "Your wound is hurting, isn't it?"

Not real (Merlin) (Arthur Pendragon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now