Chapter 9 (The moment of truth)

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Line and Gry was walking in to Gaius' chambers with some herbs and supplies, they had gathered, when they saw Merlin and an older woman in the chambers.

"Merlin?" Gry asked quietly to let the boy know they were there.

"Gry. Line." He looked at the two girls. "This is my mother, Hunith."

They shook her hand to greet her and sent a smile her way. They couldn't help but notice the bruise under one of her eyes.

"Our village was attacked by a mad man called Kanen and his men." Merlins words made Line and Gry look at each other. They remembered this episode. "My mother came to ask Uther for help, but since Ealdor is in Cenreds kingdom, he won't help."

"I am sorry to hear that." Line said softly. "We will do anything, we can to help."

"Of course we will." Gry said to make sure Line knew she was on her side. If they could help people, there was no question. They would.

"I'm going back to Ealdor with my mom." Merlin informed.

"We will join." Gry said quickly.

"Yeah, we will help defeat Kanen." Line agreed.

"You can't." Merlin shot back. "It's way too dangerous."

"You have helped us so much." Gry reasoned. "Let us help you for once."

"You don't even know how to fight." They looked at each other with a smirk.

"Actually, we do." Gry answered. They walked to their room to pack leaving no time for Merlin to disagree. They were coming, and deep down he probably already knew, he couldn't change their mind.

Line decided to change into a pair of brown trousers and a blue tunic, they had ever so sneakily stolen, sorry burrowed, from the knights' wear. Both of them had their hair braided already, so there wasn't any change in that.

Gry had grabbed the sword she had used the past couple of days, and Line had grabbed the bow, she had used, along with a lot of arrow in a quiver.

After they had packed, they helped preparing the horses. They had run into Morgana and Gwen and of course they were coming along, so essentially they had to prepare six horses.

Or more like Line did most of the work that wasn't the saddle since she had gone to riding for 4 years, and she had quickly taught Gry how to put on the saddle. It was the easiest one to learn quickly.

"You really were serious?" Merlin said as he, Morgana and Gwen approached. They could see the six horses that was prepared.

"Of course." Gry said as she tried to mount the saddle. "We won't miss all the fun."

She was still struggling until Merlin helped her up. To be fair, it was a very tall horse compared to Gry and she didn't have a stepping stool. Line chuckled quietly at her friend before they all mounted their horses and rode off.

Line couldn't help but smile. She hadn't been riding for quite some time and honestly this was the dream. They were riding fast in the forest in medieval clothes on a quest to save a village. What more could you possibly ask?

Gry on the other hand was struggling a bit more. Sure, she had ridden before, but this was different. However, she was falling off just yet and she actually managed to appreciate the scenery a bit too. Technically, she had almost fallen off, when she did that, but no one had to know that.

Gry had found herself talking with Merlin and his mom. She heard stories from when Merlin was a kid, and what it was like in Ealdor.

"-and he fell off the roof and couldn't walk for weeks." Hunith grinned as she finished a story.

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