Chapter 15 - The Labyrinth of Gedref

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"You are still giving Arthur the silent treatment, I see." Gry commented as she saw Arthur trying to get Line's attention before riding out with Merlin.

"He hasn't exactly apologized yet." Line pointed out. "And I enjoy seeing him boil for a bit longer in the guilt."

"And the fierce Slytherin Queen strikes again." Gry chuckled.

"And the ever so kind and loyal Hufflepuff Knight has returned." Line answered in the same manner. "Spoiler alert, she never left."

"Hey!" Gry playfully punched Line's arm.

"It was a compliment." Line defended herself.

"Fine." Gry gave in. "For now." Or maybe not.

"Wait a minute." Line said as a thought struck her. "We were just in Ealdor, and Merlin and Arthur just went on a hunting trip." Her eyes widened in realization. "The Labyrinth of Gedref."

"What?" Gry questioned.

"That's the next episode." Line explained. "The one with the unicorn and the hunger and all that."

"Oh crap." Gry said as she realized the trouble they were in. "Wait, how can you remember that?"

"I can remember the order of episodes of entire seasons of Supernatural, and you wonder how I can remember 65 episodes' order?" Line frowned.

"You have a strange memory." Gry sighed.

"Yeah, you have told me that once or twice." Line grinned. "Or twenty times."

"You must have a whole section of your brain named Titanic and other random fandom shit." Gry joked.

"Says the girl, who geeked Michael Jackson for years and is now loving Greek mythology." Line shot back jokingly.

"Low blow." Gry huffed.

"Oh, you love me." Line said in her teasing voice. "Just like always."

"Unfortunately." Gry sighed with a bit of laughter. "How did I get stuck with you?"

"We sat besides each other on our first day of school ever." Line giggled.

"Yeah and someone," Gry coughed and looked straight at Line. "Couldn't read my name."

"I was 5." Line defended. "I had never met anyone named Gry before."

"Still, it's not that hard." Gry protested.

"For a 5 year old? Yeah." Line giggled. Gry scuffed at her friend as they made their way back inside the castle.

"Argh." Line groaned in pain and clutched her heart, as she fell to the ground.

"Line?" Gry raced to her friend in concern. "Are you okay?" Line gritted her teeth and continued to groan with pain. "Line! Help, somebody!" To Gry's luck a guard came to her aid.

"What happened?" The guard asked, as Line lost consciousness.

"I don't know, she just fell to the ground in pain." Gry explained. "We need to get her to Gaius."

"Of course." The guard nodded and picked up the unconscious girl from the floor.

"Why is it always you?" Gry mumbled to herself.

"Line," Gaius said in surprise as he guided the guard to lay down the girl on the same bed, she had been on just two weeks ago. "What happened to her?"

"She just clutched her heart and fell to the ground in pain." Gry hurriedly explained as the guard left. "What could this be?"

"I will have to do some tests, before I can be sure." Gaius said in his doctor voice.

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