Chapter 10

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They rode into Ealdor to see Kanen was already there almost executing a man, Matthew, which Arthur luckily saved. Line and Gry hurried over to the children to get them to safety and to hopefully keep them safe.

"Line, look out!" Gry yelled making Line duck right as a sword came for her head. She kicked the man in the stomach which made him fall on his back so Arthur could drive a sword through his stomach.

"Are you okay?" Arthur asked after seeing the shock on her face. She only nodded and went over to Gry and the children.

She saw Gry fighting a man with her sword, but before Line could do anything, Gry kicked him in the nuts and wounded him with her sword.

Line saw a man on a horse come charging at Gwen, who was to occupied with her own sword fight. Line quickly pulled out her bow and an arrow and hit the man in the back, making him cry out in pain. The cry made Gwen notice and move out of the way of the horse.

During the fight and turmoil, Kanen managed to mount a horse. "You shall pay for this with your lives. All of you!" He yelled before him and the rest of his men rode of.

"Your aim is definitely getting better." Gry said as she walked up to her friend.

"And you can handle yourself in a sword fight, I see." Line looked out in the treeline, where the men had just fled. "I hope, I didn't kill him."

"Not that I condone murder or anything, but whatever you did saved Gwen's life." Gry tried to comfort her friend. "Don't guilt trip yourself over it."

"Thanks." Line smiled and gave her friend a hug. "The same goes for you."

"I don't think he will die." Gry chuckled. "Probably in pain, but not dead."

"You're scary enough as is." Line chuckled and threw her arm over Gry's shoulders. "You are terrifying with a sword."

"Can't argue with you on that." Gry giggled, and they went over to where the villagers had come together with Arthur speaking.

"I know Kanen's kind." Arthur started out. He'll be back, and when he is, we need to be ready for him. First of all we need to prepare-"

"Am I the only is wondering, who the hell this is?" Will, as Line and Gry knew him to be, interrupted. You could see how annoyed he was.

"I am Prince Arthur of Camelot." Arthur promptly answered.

"Yeah and I am Prince William of Ealdor, and this is my princess." Will pulled his arm around Gry's waist.

"Get off of me, assbutt." Gry pushed Will away much to the amusement of Merlin and Line.

"Stop this, he is here to help us." Hunith scolded.

"No, it's alright." Arthur assured Merlin's mom. "This is your village, what would you want us to do?"

"We can't fight against Kanen, he has too many men." Will pointed out.

"What's the alternative?" Arthur asked.

"Give him what he wants." This sent murmurs through the villagers.

"Then what?" Gry said clearly not being able to hold her tongue any longer. "Those of you who don't starve to death will have to face him next year and the years after that, until there is none of you left."

"We will manage." Will tried. "We will survive."

"It will never stop, unless you fight back." Arthur argued.

"No, you just want the honor and the glory of battle. That's what drives men like you." Will spat hatefully. "Look, if you want to fight then go home and risk your own people, not ours." And with that Will walked away with Merlin following him close behind.

Not real (Merlin) (Arthur Pendragon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now