Chapter 7

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Line had a wonderful night sleeping in the big soft bed. However, Gry?

Not so much.

The ground was hard and even though the blankets did help some, she was still cold. When she couldn't fall, she tried to read a bit in one of the books, Line had brought, but given there wasn't really any light in the middle of the night, she opted to just close her eyes, and letting her thoughts run wild.

Dangerous game, that was, cause Gry's head was like a giant highway with eight tracks in each side.

Eventually, Gry fell asleep. Not exactly into a deep sleep, but a somewhat sleep. It also made it so Gry woke up as soon as the sun lit up the cell. Not really seeing, how she could go to back to sleep, she started reading one of the books, Line had brought. At least tried to, since it was written in such an annoying language.

"Finally." Gry sighed and packed up the book, she was reading.

"Not so fast." The guard, who she had come to know as Sir Gilbert, said.

"What now?" She sighed and looked at the guard.

"You didn't think that was it, did you?" From having watched the show, she knew what was coming next.

The stocks.

In another part of the castle, Line was still asleep without her trusty friend to wake her up.
That was until, someone knocked on the door. Line hoped, whoever it was, would just go away but when she heard the door open, she realized, she couldn't escape this.

"Merlin." She croaked out, as soon as she had identified the intruder. "Let me sleep." She laid back down and pulled the blanket over her head.

"It's almost noon, Line." Merlin reasoned.

"Too early." A muffled reply came from under the blanket.

Merlin sighed and went over and attempted to pull the blanket off of the sleepy girl, only to find she was gripping it tight, which made her fall out of bed.

"Merlin!" Line yelled tiredly.

"Now I see, why Arthur likes you so much." He joked.

"Shut up." She mumbled and threw a pillow at Merlin.

"Yep, you are just alike." He chuckled as he pulled the girl up on her feet. "Here." He gave her the same type of potion, she had been taking yesterday as well.

"You woke me up to give me this?" She was still sleepy, and a sleepy Line is a moody Line.

"Yes," He said and walked over to the other side of the room. "And I figured you wouldn't want to miss Gry in the stocks." That was what definitely awoke her.

"I completely forgot." She hurried over to find another one of the dresses, Morgana had lend her. It was a long dark purple dress with 3/4 length sleeves, just like the one had the day prior. It was a little too low-cut for her taste, but she couldn't really be picky about, when Morgana had been so kind. She got behind the changing screen and hurried in getting the dress on.

Merlin laughed at how easy it had been to get the girl up after mentioning her friend's punishment.

"Merlin." Line called from behind the screen. "Can you help me fasten this?"

Merlin turned temporarily in to a tomato, as he was, for once in his life, speechless. This was a lot like, when he first came to Camelot and attempted to give Morgana her potion.

"Are you sure?" He finally managed to speak out.

"Yes, please." It wasn't until that moment, Line had realized that this wasn't very proper in the Middle Ages. Back in 2020, it wouldn't have been a big deal.

Not real (Merlin) (Arthur Pendragon x OC)Where stories live. Discover now