Chapter 2

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"What just happened?" Line asked looking frantically around, whilst still laying on ground. "Where are we?" Line's eyes quickly darted to her friend. "And why in the world are you wearing a dress?"

"I am wearing a what now?" Gry asked sounding more confused then anything else. She took a look down to see that she was in fact wearing a long red dress. "You can't be serious?!" She felt up on her head. "AND WHERE IS MY HAT?!" referring to the black sequined fedora, she always wore.

"We just got transported to God knows where, got a change of clothes and in case you haven't noticed yet, it is the middle of the day here, AND YOU ARE CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR FRICKING HAT?!" Line yelled frustrated.

"You know how important that hat is to me!" Gry yelled back. "You know what I have done to people, who has taken it. You included!"

"So what? You are going to punch the storm for taking it? Why did you even wear it outside, when it was storming? And we have bigger issues at hand. Like how we get back home, and where we are." Line started freaking out and hyperventilating. "What if we are dead? Or in a coma? What about our families? What about school? The freaking door wasn't locked either! What if someone is breaking in and stealing everything right now or-"

"Line!" Gry had stood up and run over to her friend, who clearing having an anxiety attack. "Breathe." She took her shoulders and tried to calm Line down. "Remember, what your therapist and Hannah told you. In through your nose, out through your mouth."

Line tried to follow her friend's example, getting calmer and calmer. "Thanks." She said after some time.

"Always friend." Gry smiled back.

Line then did, what no one would have expected. She started laughing.

"What in the world are you laughing at?" Gry looked at her friend like she was mad.

"You are wearing a dress." She got out in between the laughs. "Last time, I tried to get you in one, you climbed up a tree and wouldn't come down for an hour, after we promised, we wouldn't make you wear it."

"It was only like 30 minutes." Gry laughed along. "Besides, you were trying to force me into that thing."

"It was prom." Line laughed. "Thats like the time to wear dresses."

"Well, not for me, and you should know by now." They laughed for even longer. Later, they would probably blame it on the adrenaline, or just that they always know how to cheer each other up.

Gry rose to her feet to get a better look at the area, they had landed in. Line tried too, but just groaned in pain.

"I thought, you said you were okay?" Gry asked concerned moving closer to her friend.

"I thought so too." Line looked to the source of the pain. Her side. Both girls gasped at the sight. Line's light blue dress had a red stain, that was slowly growing bigger and bigger.

"How did you not notice that?" Gry scolded her friend, mostly out of concern.

"You do realize that adrenaline can cover pain?" Line answered matter-of-factly. "Dont they ever talk about that in all of your books?" Gry looked at her a little taken back. "Sorry, that came out wrong."

Gry looked at her friend, then at her dress and then back at Line. "Well here is something my books did teach me." She knelt down and ripped a piece of fabric of the bottom of her dress, which was surprisingly easier then she thought. She loosened the back, or well she think, she did. There were so many damn strings on this dress.

"Ouch." Line gasped, as Gry tightened the make do bandage.

"Sorry, but it has to be tight to work properly." Gry finished up. "We should probably find someone, who can help us, since that probably won't work in the long run."

"Great, we are in the middle of the forest, which means walking." Line sighed.

"Well, let's see how much." Gry eyed a tree, that could easily be climbed. "Wait here."

"Are you sure that's safe?" Line asked worried, sitting down on a fallen tree.

"I have climbed trees, since I was little." She answered and kept climbing.

"Yeah, I know, but you haven't climbed trees in a dress, since you were little." Line stated.

"Don't let this turn into another 'Zion'." She sniggered.

"You were climbing around on rock with hundreds of meters of a free fall without any safety. Every one in the class was worried, not just me."

"And I had it handled." She groaned as she climbed higher. "Besides there weren't hundreds of meters down."

"Maybe not but still." Line shouted at Gry.

Gry reached a decent height, which made her able to see much further away. She nearly fell down the tree at the sight.

"Oh shit." She muttered loud enough for Line to hear.

"What is it?" She asked intrigued.

"I know where we are." Gry said in astonishment. "We are in Camelot."

"What?" Line yelled, not willing to believe it. "Now is not the time for jokes." But she could hear the seriousness in her friend's voice. She wasn't lying.

"I am not." Gry shouted. "It looks exactly like in Merlin."

A sea of thumbing sounds was approaching fast. Line knew that sound. She had done horseback riding for 4 years. Those were horse hooves, and they were coming their way.

"Gry!" She yelled getting her friend's attention. "You need to come down here fast. We've got company approaching. Not wanting to leave her wounded friend alone with possible bandits, Gry climbed back down as fast as she could. Even jumping the remainder of the way down for a fairly high branch.

She looked around for a bit, just to spot a branch, that could be used as a weapon. It probably wouldn't do much good against swords, but at least it was something.

"Stay behind me." Gry ordered standing in front of Line, branch in hand, and her inner oldest sibling protectiveness shining through momentarily.

A surprise, however was waiting for them, as they recognised the red capes flowing through the air.

They were knights of Camelot.

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