Chapter 16

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"Every single ear has died." Uther spoke as Arthur and him had gone to examine the crops. "We have received reports that it's the same across the entire kingdom."

"I can't believe it." Arthur spoke up. "I rode through this valley only yesterday. The crops looked healthy enough then."

"It happened overnight." The King said. "The farmer are at a loss to explain."

"It must be some kind of disease." Arthur tried to argue, as he ran a hand through his hair in frustration. 

"Perhaps." Uther said making it sound like he already had an idea as to what could have caused this. "I've asked the court physician to conduct some tests."

"We must ration what little food, we have left." Arthur said as he gave the fields one last look before riding back to the castle.

"Any idea what could've caused all the crops to die?" Merlin asked as Gry and him observed Gaius' work. 

"I haven't conducted all of the tests, but don't know of a disease that could spread through an entire kingdom in a single night." Gaius answered. 

"You think, it's sorcery, don't you?" Gry asked. "It could be same that has put Line in a coma."

"Whatever it is, its not killing all of the plants." Gaius avoided the question. "The trees and hedges around the cropfields are unharmed."

"So it is only killing the plants that we can eat?" Merlin frowned. 

"Technically, you can eat some leaves from trees." Gry interjected but was getting ignored. 

"It appears so." Gaius still answered and tried to find an answer with his tests and vials. "Perhaps, there's something in the soil and water that can explain it. I can't tell the King, its sorcery, unless I am absolutely certain." 

"Sounds like a good plan to be honest." Gry said. 

Arthur was walking around the town with his father, all while a long queue of peasants were waiting to get their fair share of food. 

"The livestock is either dying or has been eaten." Arthur told his father. "Food is scarce, and we are distributing rations, but they're very meager."

"Is this all there is?" Uther asked as they had reached the storage room, where only 200 bags still remained. Although, some could argue that, that was a lot, it isn't when it comes down to feeding a kingdom. 

"The people are growing scared." Arthur revealed. "There's been some looting." 

"We must maintain order at all costs. Panic will only make the situation worse." Uther said in his commanding voice. "I'll issue a decree that looters will be executed." The King motioned for his guards to follow him as he exited the room. "Tonight, Camelot will be under curfew."

"I'll see to it." Arthur answered as he went back to the castle. He had something important to do.

"How is she?" Gry turned her head around to be faced with the Prince. 

"She would have been better, if she was awake." She hissed. Line may have a soft spot for Arthur, but he hadn't proven himself to her yet. Or well on the show he had, but not the person she met. 

"You're angry with me?" He frowned as he approached carefully, knowing Gry's rage all too well. 

"She complained about chest pain and passed out around the time, you shot the unicorn?" She raised her brow. "It doesn't take a genius to put two and two together. 

Not real (Merlin) (Arthur Pendragon x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang