Chapter Four

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A/N: I've seriously been procrastinating on this story. I started writing this chapter 3 days ago and I'm now just finishing it. 


-Liam's POV-        

        I was honestly nervous to be taking over my father's company, but I knew that I could make things better for it. I wouldn't let my father's company get shut down. It was going to take me a while to get used to working at a new place, but as long as I had loyal employees then it wouldn't be so difficult. I used to come to work with my father every day when I was younger, but then after a while my mother wanted me to start going to school. 

        When I pulled up in front of the company I got out of my car and fixed my suit. I walked to the entrance and smiled when people stopped to look at me. 

        "Are you Liam Payne?" A girl with brown hair said as she walked up to me.

        "Yes, but it's Stayne now." I said. "Who are you?"

        "My name's Sophia Smith. I'm your secretary." She said, smiling.

        "Oh lovely. Shall we go up to the office then?"

        She nodded. "Would you like anything to drink before we go up?" 

        "A cup of tea please."

        "Any sugar?"

        "Three sugars please."

        She nodded before she walked towards a small room that had the coffee and tea. I waited for her at the elevator, smiling. She seemed like a lovely girl and she was very beautiful. I wouldn't mind being with her. I shook my head at my thoughts.

        'No. You're married.' I thought to myself. 'You have a lovely husband and two beautiful kids.'

        "Here you go, Mr. Stayne." Sophia said, handing me my tea. 

        "Thanks, love." I said, pressing the button for the elevator. We waited a few minutes before the elevator came. We got in and I pressed the button for the top floor. We stood there in silence before we finally got to the floor.

        "This way, sir." Sophia said, leading me towards the office on the right. She opened the door and waited for me to go in first.

        "Wow." I said as I noticed that the office had a beautiful view of the town.

        "I'll be going. Page me if you need anything." She said, winking. 

        I looked at her, confused. Why did she wink?





How Could You? *Sequel To My Savior* (Lirry/Zarry) © 2014 Katt ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant