Chapter 23- Ball

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I was released from the hospital at 5:00 A.M. I had to call a cab to take me back to Marinette's, because the hospital was too far away. When I walk through the front door at 5:30 A.M. , I'm exhausted. My throat is still sore, but not enough to affect my speech anymore. Thanks to my suit, I don't have any visible injuries, but my body is sore all over.

I collapse on my bed and pull up my blanket. Kitti floats down by my pillow, and curls up into a little ball.

"Goodnight, Kitti." I whisper.

"Goodnight, (yn)." She responds.


I only got an extra two hours of sleep before Marinette's alarm for school goes off. I let out a moan, and roll out of my bed. Marinette seems surprisingly tired as well, as we're getting ready. She let's out several yawns, and even pours juice in her cereal, instead of milk.

"You girls seem very tired this morning...were you up late doing homework?" Mrs. Cheng asks us.

I quickly make up an excuse for only getting four hours of sleep last night. "I just had a really bad dream...and couldn't fall back asleep for awhile because it was so scary!" I mentally facepalm.

"I had a hard time falling asleep." Marinette says.

Mrs. Cheng looks at us suspiciously, but doesn't say anything, and goes on to make her breakfast.


I jolt up. "HUH, WHERE?" I say, startled.

"(Yn), would you like to tell me why you're asleep on your desk?" Miss Bustier asks me, sounding slightly annoyed.

I look around to see everyone staring. Chloe is snickering.

"I'm sorry, Miss Bustier. I didn't get a very good night of sleep." I apologize.

"It's alright, (yn). Next time just try to stay awake, okay?"

"Yes Miss Bustier." I say, sinking into my seat in embarrassment.

Adrian looks at me and gives a sympathetic smile. I give him a tiny smile back.


I'm sitting on a bench in the locker bay, waiting for Marinette. After class we were supposed to head to the park to help Alya watch her little sisters. As the day went on I did wake up a bit more so I'm not as sleepy as this morning. Suddenly Marinette walks in a hot blushing mess. I stand up and walk to her.

"Are you alright, Marinette?" I ask.



"Adrain touched my shoulder..."

"Excuse me?"

"I fell asleep in class and he tapped my shoulder to wake me up!" Marinette exclaims.

"Oh, uh, good for you?" I nervously laugh. "We should probably get to the park though..."

"Oh right!" Marinette gasps and runs to her locker. She comes back a few minutes later with her bookbag.

We get to the park by Marinette's apartment just as Alya and her sisters arrive. The little girls giggle, and begin chasing each other around the carousel. Alya spreads out a blanket on the grass and we come and sit down.

"So I downloaded a new app for the ladyblog." Alya says. "It allows me to take videos and edit in cartoon graphics."

"What would you need that for?" Marinette asks.

"I was thinking I could use it to add some comic book action affects to the clips I post." Alya explains.

"That's pretty cool, Alya." I say.

"I know right!?"

Suddenly the twins run over to us. "Alya Alya!" Etta yells.

"What is it?"

"Ella went missing!" Etta cries.

"Is this some kind of prank?" I ask.

"The girls play tricks but never this serious..." Alya says. "Where did you last see her?"

"We were playing ball and I kicked it too far so Ella ran off to get it." Etta explains.

"We'd better go find her...who know how far she could've gotten by now." Says Marinette.

"Let's meet back here in fifteen minutes." Alya says.

We all run off in different directions.

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