Chapter 13

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"Wake up princess!" I hear Kio. I open my eyes. Athena jumps onto my side.
"What?" I ask. Kio laughs.
"We are going to the Hype House today! Get dressed!" Kio says. I get up and find an outfit.

I do my hair and make-up before taking Athena to the bathroom.
"Come on Athena!" I say. I get her into cage and Kio smiles at me.
"Let's go baby!" He says.
"IT'S EVERYBODY'S FAVORITE!" I yell when I walk in.
"Ew it's Y/N!" Avani teases. We both laugh and hug.
"Holy s***! I missed you!" I say and hug her.
"Me too! Happy late birthday!" Avani replies.
"Thanks Vani!" I smile.
"Baby!" Kio calls. I turn to him.
"What?" I ask.
"Come here!" He says. I walk over and he wraps his arms around me.
"What Kio?" I ask.
"Your dress is too short! Ask Avani for leggings!" He says.
"It'll ruin my outfit though baby!" I say.
"I know but Chase is staring!" Kio says.
"Fine!" I pout.
"I would say ppul your dress down but your boobs would pop out!" Kio says. I laugh.
"Avani can I wear some leggings? Kio said my dress is too short!" I say. Avani nods and we get some.
"Why would he make you put on leggings? He loves staring at you!" I laugh.
"I know! It's cause Chase was staring at my a**!" I say. Avani laughs. We walk back to where everyone is. I sit on Kio's lap and rest my head on him.
"We have to get back to take care of Athena!" Kio says. He sits up, taking me with him.
"Do you want me to take them off before I leave or?" I ask.
"Leave them on. I have like 200 pairs of those!" Avani says.
"I'll bring them back!" I say. Kio and I get into our car.
"OK! BYE!" Avani says.
"We've only been gone for an hour, Ahena's fine!" I say.
"I know! I just wanted to get out. Chase won't stop staring and if we didn't leave, I would have punched him!" Kio says. I laugh.
"You two in a fight again? I'd pay to see that! You deserve to beat him!" I say.
"I love you!" Kio says.
"Awe baby, I love you too!" I smile at him.
I was up in our room pulling on Kio's sweats and his hoodie.
"BABY!" Kio yells. I run down the stairs.
"What?" I ask. He had my phone in his hands.
"Who the f*** is this?" He asks. I read the text.
?- It's Jake. I'm back baby
"S***! S***! S***! F***! How did he get my number!" I run my fingers through my hair as tears start pouring from my eyes.. Jake was my abusive ex boyfriend.
"Who is it?" Kio asks.
"My ex. The one I told you about!" I say. Kio types something out on my phone.
Me- Leave her alone a**hole. It's her boyfriend
?- Y/N can't get another boyfriend! She's a w****
Me- Are you sure about that bud?

?- Oh her tiktok crush! Sure you're dating her
Me- Check her TikTok, her Instagram, my Instagram, my TikTok.
Me- Back off and leave her alone before I make her take me to your house a**hole!

"It's ok baby!" Kio says.
"It's not ok! He's gonna find me!" I start freaking out again.
"He's not gonna find you! If he does I'm here and I will protect you!" He says. Our intercome rings.
"Mr. Cyr and Miss L/N, there is someone here to see you! He says his name is Jake!" The front desk lady says. I look at Kio.
"Send him up!" Kio says.
"Kio no!" I say. 5 minutes later there was a knock at our door. Kio opens the door.
"You really want your a** beat don't you?" Kio asks. Kio was much taller than Jake and much stonger.
"Awe look! You really are her boyfriend!" Jake says. He pushes me.
"Back off bud!" Kio steps towards him. Jake looks at him before grabbing my wrist  and pulling me. Kio grabs my waist and pulls me back before punching Jake. I pull them off eachtoher.
"Stop! Get out Jake!" I push him out. I shut the door and lock it.
"Y/N, let me go f***ing kill him!" Kio says.
"No Kio! As much as I'd love that, I don't want you to do it! Look at you! Your nose is bleeding and you're gonna have a black eye!" I say. I take Kio to our bathroom and clean him up.
"Y/N he isn't allowed to f***ing touch you!" Kio says.
"I know babe but I don't think he will ever again!" I say.
"But if he does-" I cut him off.
"He won't ok?" I ask.
"Ok!" Kio says. I finish cleaning him up and make him change.
"Put an ice pack on your eye! We aren't going anywhere today!" I say. Kio frowns at me.
"I have to film!" He says.
"Tell your fans that something happened! Kio, you got into a fight! You don't need to be doing anything today!" I say and go to make lunch.
"What are you making?" Kio asks.
"I don't know yet Kio!" I say.
"What is wrong with you?" Kio asks.
"Nothing!" I spit out and start cooking some Orange Chicken.
"There's obviously something wrong with you!" Kio says. I refuse to talk to him right now. I hand him his food and go into another room.
"A**hole!" I say. I was in our room by myself.
"Y/N! There's something wrong with you! Just tell me what it is so I can make it better!" Kio walks in.
"What if it's not about you! It's not always f***ing about you Kio!" I say.
"FINE!" He replies in a yell.
"Get out! GET THE F*** OUT!" I yell. Kio stares at me.
"Y/N! You don't want me out!" Kio says.
"No I don't but you're being an a**hole and I'm pissed off!" I say. Kio sits next to me and puts his arms around me.
"Y/N, talk to me!" He says. I push him away.
"GET OFF OF ME!" I yell.
"The f*** is wrong with you?" Kio asks. I start sobbing.
"Just go!" I say.
"Baby, please-" I cut him off.
"GET OUT JAKE!" I scream.
"It's not Jake! Baby, what's wrong?" Kio couches infront of me. I wrap my arms around him and cry.
"He's everywhere in my mind Kio! He won't go away!" I say.
"Baby, he won't ever touch you again! You said it yourself!" Kio says.
"I know!" I say.

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