Chapter 17

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I wake up with a sharp pain. Ophelia had just kicked my rib cage. She was so much more active and I'm only 6 months. I get up and start walking around, trying to calm her down. Kio wakes up.
"Baby, what are you doing? It's 7 AM!" He says.
"Ohelia kicked me in my rib cage! I can't sleep!" I say. Kio stands up and walks with me, his hand on my lower back to keep me steady. I've gained at least 30 pounds just in 4 months. I hold my stomach while we're walking, pains going through my stomach every few minutes.
"Are these contractions?" He asks.
"It's too early for contractions! Everything is healthy, she shouldn't be ready to come out! Just super active!" I say. Kio nods. The kicking stops and I walk a little longer, just to make sure, before going to back to sleep.
I was awoken again by her kicking.
"Are you ok?" Kio asks.
"Ohelia again!" I sit up.
"Baby, we should go to the doctor!" Kio says.
"I'm fine baby! I promise!" I say. Kio helps me up.
"We're going!" He says.
"Kio, I'm fine!" I say.
"No you aren't! I can tell by your face!" He says. He helps me in the car. I had already packed a hospital bag since I was so excited. He grabs the bag and puts it in the back before heading to the hospital.  We pull up and Kio gets a wheel chair.
"Is this necessary?" I ask.
"Yes! Hi, my girlfriend is 6 months pregnant and she is having horrible pains in her ribs! She can barely sleep and is woken up ever couple hours!" Kio says.
"Ok, come on back!" The lady says. We get a room quickly and a doctor comes in to check me.
"Oh hunny! You're dialated by 2 centimeters! This baby may come sooner than you think!" The doctor says. I look at Kio.
"Ok!" Kio looks at the doctor.
"You can go home but if there your water breaks please come back in. You could have this baby any day now!" The docotor explains.
"Ok, thank you!" I smile. The doctor walks out and Kio helps me get dressed again. I decide to call Alex.
"What's up?" She asks.
"I am leaving the hospital right now! I'm 2 centimeters dialated and I could have the baby any day now!" I say.
"Oh my god! Is Kio's mom still in town?" She asks.
"Yeah, I'm gonna talk to her when we get home and have her stay for the next couple of nights!" I say.
"Ok! We'll be over too soon! We just probably won't stay!" Alex says.
"We have room Alex! You'll just have to bring a pack n' play!" I say.
"Ok! We will be over there in about an hour!" She says. We hang up and go home. I never thought my baby would be 3 months early.
"Y/N! My mom is here!" Kio says. I get out of bed. Kio meets me at the bedroom door and helps me down the stairs.
"Oh! Hunny! This baby is going to come in at least a day! The way you are walking! You are at least 6 centimeters dialated!" Kio's mom says when I walk down.
"I was just 2 at the hospital half an hour ago!" I say.
"You are dialating at a normal speed! Just early!" She says. I nod and walk to the couch.
"I can barely stand! My back hurts so bad!" I say.
"Oh, Kio almost broke my ribs!" She says. I look at Kio.
"MOM!" He says. I laugh.
"His big head!" I tease.
"I swear Y/N!" Kio says.
"Don't you start!" I say.
"Oh my God! Mom! Y/N is so mean!" Kio says.
"How?" She asks.
"She is always yelling!" Kio says. I roll my eyes.
"She's pregnant Kio! She is moody and she has a baby pushing on her bladder 24/7!" Kio's mom smiles.
"OW JESUS!" I yell. I felt a pain. I clutch my stomach and stand up. A liquid runs down my leg. I look at Kio.
"Oh s***!" He says. His mom gets a towel for me to sit on in the car and he helps me in. I get another contraction.
"Kio, you need to call Alex!" I say.
"Ok baby!" He calls her and explains what's going on. We pull up to the hospital and go in. Our doctor from earlier greets us.
"Her water broke!" Kio's mom says. The doctor leads us back quickly. He checks me quickly.
"Oh, you need to push! The baby's head is coming out right now!" He says. He brings in nurses and everything starts going in slow motion. All I could thing about was Ophelia.
"Come on baby, you got this! Two more pushes!" Kio says.
"I can't Kio! I can't do it!" I start crying.
"You've got this baby! How excited do you think Athena will be! We're gonna be parents!" Kio says. I push again.
"Kio it hurts so bad!" I say.
"Come on! You've got this Y/N! Ophelia Rose Cyr is one push away!" Kio says to me. I push one last time before I look down.
"Pull her out!" The doctor says. I take ahold of the baby and pull her out before sitting her on the blanket they had put on my chest. I see Kio crying.
"I'm a grandma!" Alice says. I smile.
"My baby is here!" I smile at her. She was a healthy size for a baby at nine months. She was gonna be big. I hear knocking.
"It's Alex!" I hear.
"Let her in! That's my sister!" I say. Alex runs in. Kio cuts the umbilical cord. I start crying again. They hand her to me so I can feed her. Kio takes a picture.

She's here everyone! Ophelia Rose Cyr!! My baby girl was born 3 months early on October 27, 2020

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She's here everyone! Ophelia Rose Cyr!! My baby girl was born 3 months early on October 27, 2020. I love you Ohelia. I'm so proud of Y/N for being able to do this. She is so strong for being able to do this without an epidural.

I smile at him.
"Y/N! We have a baby!" Kio says.
"Do you want to hold her?" I ask. He nods. I hand her over and he sits on the couch. Tears gather in his eyes. He was so happy.
"I love you!" He whispers to her.
"Kio, we did it!" I say.
"We did it baby!" He smiles.
"Kio, let your mom hold her then Alex can hold her!" I say. He hands Ophelia off to his mom and stands next to me. We had our baby. I couldn't be happier right now.

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