Chapter 16

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Today was the day. I was wearing a purple flowy dress.
"Ready baby?" He asks. I nod and we go outside. I was filming the turnout.
"THERE'S THE MOMMY AND DADDY!" Alex yells. Kio's mom had flown is yesterday and she decided to stay at a hotel so it would be more quiet.
"HEY!" Kio waves at everyone. I see Gabbie and Lavender. (Gabbie Gonzales and Lavender Avery. If you don't know them, Gabbie dated Jack Avery of the band Why Don't We and they had a little girl named Lavender)
"Gabs!" I call. She walks over.
"Hey Y/N! Lavvy, look at her belly! It's just like mommy's was!" She says. I smile as the little girl puts her hands on my stomach.
"Ok, who's ready to play some games?" Alex asks. I sit and watch as people guess the gender of my baby. Kio and I decided on doing black paint then I would paint on little flowers later when we reveal if it's a boy or girl. An hour passes and it was time. Me and Kio popped the balloons and started pulling the stickers off.
"O-P-H-E-L-I-A R-O-S-E!" Everyone spells out and screams we pop little confetti and smoke cannons in pink.
"IT'S A GIRL!" We yell.
"CONGRATS!" Gabbie yells.
"Thank you Gabs!" I smile.
"I'll have Jack sing 'Ophelia' to your belly!" She says. I laugh.
"We're having a baby!" Kio says. I laugh.
"We''ve known that for 5 months Kio!" I say. He laughs.
"Yeah but we're having a baby girl!" He smiles.
"We've known that for 2 months!" I say. He rolls his eyes.
"Everyone knows though!" He says. I smile and kiss him.
"I love you!" He says.
"I love you too Kio!" I smile.
We were cleaning up outside after the party. It was me, Kio, Luke, Alex, Nova, Gabbie, and Lavender. Lavender and Nova were playing in the yard.
"You know baby, you could go lay down!" Kio says.
"I know but I'd rather help clean!" I say. I see Lavender waddling towards to pool and run over.
"What's going on?" Gabbie asks.
"This cutie tried jumping in!" I pick up Lav. Gabbie smiles.
"Thanks!" She says as I hand her over.
"We're gonna have to enclose the pool before we have the baby!" I say. Kio nods. He wraps his arms around me.
"I know! Hey you guys can go home if you want! I'm sure the girls are tired and Y/N refuses to lie down while you are here!" Kio says.
"I'll be back tomorrow for your birthing stuff and helping you with the breast-feeding stuff!" Gabbie says.
"Ok!" I smile and hug everyone before they leave. Kio and I go inside up to our room.
"Did you have fun?" He asks me.
"Of course baby! I hung out with some amazing people and I've got my baby on the way living with a man I never thought I would have a chance with!" I smile. Kio smiles at me.
"I just can't believe we're having a baby soon!" He says.
"I know!" I smile at him.
"You are so beautiful! You knoe that?" He asks me. I cup his face.
"I love you baby!" I smile.
"I love you too!" He connects our lips passionately. When I pull away I set my hand on my stomach. I put on one of Kio's shirts and a pair of my sweatpants before I lie down.
"I need a nap!" I say. As soon as I get comfortable, I have a sudden urge to pee. I groan.
"What?" Kio asks.
"I have to pee!" I get up and go to pee. I wash my hands. I hate that the baby is right on my bladder. I go back into the room and fall asleep too.
"Baby, do you want In-N-Out?" Kio asks. I shake my head in digust.
"It's too greasy! Can you get me a salad from Salad Farm?" I ask.
"Yes baby!" He kissed my forehead. I smile. I get up and go downstairs to watch TV. About an hour later, Kio comes in with my salad. He hands it to me.
"Where is your food?" I ask.
"I finished it on the way home!" He says. I nod and eat my food. Kio watches the movie I was watching with me. I rest my head on his shoulder. Kio smiles at me as I get up and throw away my trash. I waddle back to the living room.
"Babe?" I ask. He looks at me.
"Yeah?" He replies.
"Can we go to bed?" I ask.
"Of course!" He smiles. He helps me off the couch and we go to our room.
"I don't know why I asked you!" I say.
"It's fine baby! I love you!" Kio says.
"I love you too!" I reply.


GUYS! I am so sorry that my chapters have been so short! I'm working on a lot! Also one of you guys were shocked when I reples and I thought it was adorable. I try my best to reply to everyone! <3

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