Chapter 12

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*includes last chapter recap*

I stopped outside a tall white door, knocking once and waiting for a while. Maybe it was a spare bedroom, but then again it was across from his office so it must have been the meeting room.

When nobody answered I decided to open the door, walking inside and finding myself in a room packed with men.

My gasp caught in my throat. Around 15 men turned their heads and pud me under their scrutiny, including Leonardo's from the top of the meeting table...and once I met his eyes, he was all I could focus on.

He stuck out amongst the rest like a sore thumb. Not a hair out of place, with a white dress shirt kind of dishevelled telling me that this meeting was last minute. And it wasn't just his looks and intimidating height that did it.

A big part of it was his presence, demanding and threatening enough for anyone in the room to never want to refuse his words.

I'd seen this tough side of him before but now, holding a pen and sitting back in his chair he seemed like Lucifer in form of a bussiness man.

I gulped, unable to save myself from the animalistic stares coming from the table.

Leo narrowed his eyes a little, in a stare telling me to get the hell out of here but I just couldn't move. My feet refused to comply even when a whistle sounded and a smirk formed on the faces of one of the men, who I'd never seen before. "We've got ourselves a looker."

"Shut up Carlo." Another man quickly spoke. Heat grew heavy in my cheeks and I finally stepped back to leave before I heard him speak again.

"C'mon." The creepy man nudged the other. "Who's going first?"

Leo's jaw tensed. All professionalism had drained from him and though I couldn't see what lay with that darkness in his eyes, I knew that it was something utterly sinister.

I dashed out of there like I were running for my life, panting and shaking and feeling disgusted by what that man said about me.

Is that what I looked like to them? A prostitute?

Was that the reason why I was here, living in a house with men and their frustratingly mean boss? My hair flew around as I scurried through endless hallways before finally finding my room and running inside.

I'd just closed the door, sighing and leaning against it before a bang sounded.

A thud. A pop.

My lungs tightened and I wondered what the sound was before realising it was probably just Camilla the maid. She had terrible eyesight and sometimes knocked things over as she walked.

I returned back to whatever I was thinking, pacing around the room for a while before my bedroom door swung open and Leo walked in. Standing there, he watched me like he didn't know if he was pissed at me or pitied me.

"You look happy." I exhaled but as usual, he was not amused.

"What was that?"

"That was me walking into a room. Quick question: Why do you even live with other men?? Unless you're family it makes no sense whatsoever."

"They are family." He paused for a second, darkness flashing through his eyes. "Some of them."

"Well whoever they are, I don't want to stay here anymore."

"Too bad." He lowly spat as if my words pissed him off even more. "You aren't leaving."

I stormed up to him, my heart leaping once I realised how tall he was compared to me yet I still stared him right in the eye. "Fine." I mused, my irritation seething. "I'll stay here forever and I'll make your life miserable, bossman."

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