Chapter 16

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Emma woke up happy the next morning. She didn't exactly know why, until she noticed the stunning brunette next to her.

Frankly, she'd been sad that she wasn't the person Regina liked, so hearing that she was the one Regina secretly liked made her beyond happy.

Regina's eyes fluttered open and along with that Emma's heart started pounding louder.

"Good morning," Emma greeted Regina softly and smiled broadly.

"Oh, my, what time is it?" Regina asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"Six thirty," Emma replied and got out of bed.

"Why do you set your alarm so early?" Regina groaned and Emma chuckled.

She looked at the brunette in her bed and smiled brightly before she playfully bumped her arm and rolled her eyes.

"Because I need to get to school," Emma said smugly and laughed softly as Regina turned her back to the blonde.

"School isn't for another two hours. We got approximately one and a half hour left if we skip makeup."

Emma grabbed her friend's shoulder to roll her around, but there was no moving Regina in the morning. So, she leaned over her and tried to open the brunette's eyelids to look in her eyes, but Regina kept them firmly shut.

The feeling of Emma's breasts pressed against her arm didn't go unnoticed by Regina either.

"You're impossible," Emma whispered with her lips hovering above Regina's ear.

Regina mumbled something inaudible and Emma rolled her eyes as she slipped out of bed, but right at that moment, Regina grabbed her arm, causing her to fall back on the bed on top of the brunette.

"What are you doing?" Emma questioned as she felt her heart pounding loudly in her chest while she tried to crawl off Regina.

The brunette smirked and shrugged. "You think I'm letting my source of warmth go? You're dead wrong," Regina said smugly and held Emma tight in her arms, making it impossible for the blonde to move.

Emma groaned softly as she felt Regina breathing heavily and noticed the brunette's eyes fixated on Emma's lips.

They exchanged one more look before Emma leaned in to kiss Regina, but right when their lips were about to touch Henry started crying.

"I, uh.. I really need to go now," Emma softly muttered. "Are you going to school today?" Emma asked as Regina loosened her grip around Emma.

Regina shrugged, but shook her head. "I don't think so. The past few days my back hurt too much to even walk, so I got to stay home, but right now.. I'm not in pain, but I can't bare to face Robin today."

Emma nodded understanding as she slipped out of bed. "You need to see him one day, though. I think postponing it will only add fuel to his fire," Emma said before she walked away to Henry's crib.

Regina followed the blonde with her eyes and watched as Emma calmed the boy and rocked him in her arms.

Emma dressed Henry out of his pajamas, when suddenly someone knocked on the front door.

Regina looked worried at Emma, who opened the door and smiled brightly.

"Hi, Ruby," she greeted her friend and stepped aside for Ruby to enter the bungalow.

Seeing Ruby enter the house gave Regina enough motivation to get out of bed as well and present herself.

"Hi," she greeted the much taller brunette. "My name's Regina, I'm, uh.. a.." she didn't know whether she and Emma were friends now.

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