Chapter 38: Dreamcatcher, Meet Dreamcatcher

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Mamamoo and Dreamcatcher stared at the poster on top of the meeting table. No one seemed to be able to address the elephant in the room as each of them is still trying to register the hell that had broken loose.

"FUCKING FUCK!!!" Lily pulled her hair, screaming on top of her lungs, snapping them all out of their thoughts.

"Heh. I remembered that." Monica snickered at her, recalling something like this had happened before. It is like seeing a deja vu.

"What are we going to do~~~" She knocked her head on the table over and over again, grimacing at the fact lying before her eyes.

"Urgh... This is too soon. Too fucking soon!! This is bad... This is fucking bad!!" Della spun in her chair, wailing nonstop.

"Wow... You guys couldn't even catch a breath. One thing after another. Is this how it was for you guys back in your world?" Wheein looked at them.

"Every single fucking day. Come to think of it the only rest days we had were Japan Tour and the two weeks before entering Shadow Corps." Rachel sighed, resting her head on the table.

"I knew Jeju was too good to be true... Fuck! Even the Gods of the alternate universe still hate us!" Lucy threw a tantrum. Mamamoo laughed at the sisters' negativity. How can a group of hardcore veterans be so negative when it comes to life?

"When's the tour?" Solar asked them.

"The last week of the summer. They're finishing up their tour with this town." Della blew her bangs out of her face.

A knock can be heard from the door of the meeting room and a female officer came in, tiptoeing.

"Sorry to intrude. But I have an order from the Commissioner." She gave the file to Hwasa. Before going out, she lingered a bit, staring at Dreamcatcher, one by one. A look of awe can be seen on her face, starstruck.

"Ehem!" Hwasa cleared her throat, startling the female officer. She gave an awkward smile, bowing to them and excused herself. But not before giving a wink at Emma. All of them looked at the officer in shock as she leave the room, all gazes aimed at Emma.

"What the fuck was that?!" Moonbyul asked for context.

"Don't ask." Della waved the question away but Mamamoo seemed to be pressing Emma for answer. While the others are occupied with what just happened, Hwasa suddenly laughing and cackling like a madman.

"And why are you laughing like that?! Is this funny to you?!" Monica snapped at her.

"Sorry! Sorry! My bad. It's this." She showed them the file, but the girls knew she was refering to the content.

"What the Commissioner wants?" Hwasa gave the file to Lily, still trying to control herself from laughing. Upon laying her eyes on the content of the file, she froze. Even her breathing stopped.

"Lily? Lil? Hey, what's going on?" Alice shook her body, still not responding to the stimuli. Lucy took the file from her sister's hand, reading it up. Once done, she threw the file across the room and slumped into the chair, cupping her face with her hands.

"Like seriously though. What the hell did you sisters do in your past lives to live like this now?" Hwasa burst out laughing once again, and this time even harder than before to the point she fell to the floor, rolling.

Rachel took the file up and the sisters gathered around her. And all of them have the same reaction as Lucy and Lily once they are done.

"Maybe Emma fucked the Emperor's wife or daughter in her past life." Della chuckled, scratching the back of her head.

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