Chapter 63: Dark Aesthetics

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"Wake up, ladies! Time for school!" Solbin knocked her pan with her ladle. The clunking of the wood and metal echoed throughout the unit, making one by one the fray-haired witches from their slumbers. And as always, all except one.

"Where's the food goblin?" Solbin peeked over the walking horde of zombies. Eyes still closed, Monica pointed at Lucy's room. Solbin clicked her tongue, stomping her feet as she charged towards the maknae's room.

"Oi! Wake u- WAAAARGH!!!!" Solbin screamed. The sisters immediately rushed to her side to check. What they saw astonished them.

Lucy is not alone in her room. Beside her is a guy in long, silver hair, and to make things worst? Both of them are surely naked beneath the sheet. Even with the screaming and clunking of pan and ladle could not manage to wake them up.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD! WHAT DID YOU FUCKING DO TO MY LITTLE SISTER?!" Solbin roared, rushing like a bull at the man on one side of Lucy's bed. And that roar managed to make them open their eyes, only to see Solbin dashing at them at full speed.

"Oida! Unnie! No! Ack!!" Lucy cowered as Solbin jumped over her and mounted herself on the man with silver hair, hitting him as hard as she could.

"HOW. DID. YOU. GET. INSIDE?! GET. AWAY. FROM. MY. SISTER!!" Solbin screamed as she slaps and hits the man.

"Oww! Oww! What the fuck?!" The man tried to shield himself from the barrage of attack of the angry unnie. Lucy got in between them, trying to break them apart.

"Guys! Help me! Unnie! Stop! Stop!" Lucy tried to get her sisters' help against the raging Solbin. The sisters' on the other hand just stood and leaning against the door frame, lighting each others' cigarettes, as if they are spectating some boxing match. Lucy rolled her eyes in disbelief and grabbed hold on Solbin's waist and threw her aside from the man.

"Unnie! Unnie! Stop! He's my boyfriend! He is my boyfriend! Stop!" At the revelation, Solbin abruptly froze. Slowly turning her head at Lucy, she yells.


"Hello. Solbin. Been a while since I saw you." The man brushed back his hair, greeting Solbin after pulling the sheet over his body again.


Solbin called in ahead to the school since the sisters will not attend the morning session of the school because of what happened earlier. In her prerogative, this issue needs to be handled immediately. Kneeling side by side in front of her while Solbin making the call is Yoongi and Lucy while the rest are watching with amusement on how things will be unfolded.

"When did you arrive? You should've give us a call." Alice asked Yoongi.

"Last night. I missed Lucy so much, so I decided to drop by."

"And the first thing you did was 'release the beast'?" Monica giggled.

"Shut up, idiot! That's none of your concern!" Lucy barked back.

"Ouh. Monica. Here." Yoongi threw a slip of paper at her. Monica flipped it open and it contains coordinates.

"What is this?"

"Surprise for you. Go there. 9pm. Don't be late." Yoongi winked at her.

"Alright. The show is about to start. Get your popcorn out." Emma shushed the spectators when she saw Solbin is done with the phone call. Immediately silence envelops the room, with Solbin walking to a fro in front of Lucy and Yoongi.

"You have a boyfriend?" Solbin began her questioning. Lucy nodded in silence, affirming the fact.

"And you two..." Yoongi and Lucy nodded together. Solbin sighed, rubbing her forehead.

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