Chapter 55: The Long Overdue

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"Siren! Take out that fucking emplacement! This tin can ain't gonna hold out much longer against those flak!" Della shouted at Monica.

"I can't! Fucking 40 jammed! Ram those fuckers down!" Monica yelled back.

"Argh! I'm hit! Fuck!" E:U held her abdomen. One of the flak round managed to penetrate the armour of the vehicle, sending some of the shrapnel inside. The shrapnel ripped into her stomach, making her bleeding excessively. The shrapnel also hit Della, almost severing her lower left arm.

"E:U! Argh... Fuck! Siren! Pull E:U away from the gun. Get ready. I'mma blow those cocksuckers to kingdom comes!" Della floored the accelerator, aiming straight at the emplacement. At the last moment, she jumped back, enveloping everyone with her forcefield. The vehicle crashed head on with the emplacement, causing a huge explosion, killing everyone in its blast radius. The shield sphere launched in the air, before slamming flat on the ground far from the explosion site.

"Siren! Kill everything that moves in this sector!" Della ordered Monica.

"Don't let her die!" Monica took out her spiked knuckles, sprinting at the speed of sound head on towards the enemies to begin her offensive.

Della ripped the destroyed lower arm to make way for the new one, then immediately checked on E:U's condition. E:U has already went into shock due to her excessive loss of blood, her stomach was ripped open with guts spilling left and right. Della gathers her focus, using her ability to restore back E:U and heal her wounds.

"Bear with me. Fight! Don't go towards the light!" Della yelled, with her power has to be divided between her lost lower arm and E:U's wound.

With E:U is so close to death, it took most of her energy to revive her back, but nonetheless she succeeded, but at the cost of her mobility. Drained, Della dropped to the ground, unable to move even a finger. E:U, disoriented after her revival looked around her, only to see Della lying face down in front of her.

"Yan Wang! Della! Della!" She crawled to Della, flipping her back.

"I'm... I'm fine... G- Ge- Get us into cover..." Della groaned, her face stricken by pain. As fast as she could, E:U dragged Della behind a concrete blockade, patting her down to check her condition.

"I'm fine... Just drained. I need a moment to regain my energy. Cover Siren's offensive. We need to clear this sector fast." She pushed E:U away from her, but when she saw E:U's face she is in disbelief. The woman is in tears, keeping on glancing down at Della. Della snickered, patting on E:U's cheek.

"Hehe~~ If you're gonna cry right now at the sight of your fallen comrades, you should change your profession, kid. War ain't pretty and cool like in videogames." E:U holds onto Della's bloodied hand, gripping it tight, still trying hard to control herself from sobbing.

"We'll be waiting for you." E:U exhaled furiously, cocking her rifle and ran into the chaos to help Monica.

"Yeah... Be right there in a jiffy..." Della sighed, giving her best to get comfortable in the rubbles after taking out her sidearm.


"Eyes away!" The forward position engulfs in a roaring fire, burning everything and everyone in the area into crisp. The intensity of the fire is so massive it blinded everyone who saw the  it. Alice snapped her fingers again, sending another jet of fire at the second line, halting the enemy's advances altogether towards their position.

Onda can only watched in awe at the superior display of raw power from the watchtower. It is proven that any one of Dreamcatcher can take on any nation's army by their own should they ever get serious. And it is a good thing that they are the one being send for this mission instead of Kingsglaive. If this is the extent of their capabilities, then at what height would Lily be, when she alone could take out all six of them?

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