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Team RWBY was currently just relaxing in their dorm, bored out of their minds.

"I'm bored!" Yang complained

... As you can tell

Ruby right now was face first into her pillow, taking a nap after going out for a run, Weiss was studying for their next test, Blake was reading her Filth books (That's what Ruby's calls them), and Yang was just... Well... Bored

"Just study for the upcoming test, Yang" Weiss said in annoyance

"Weiss, the next test is in two fucking weeks" Yang deadpanned, "We don't have to really study for like, another week! Plus you're Weiss Schnee, you could probably pass the test without studying once so ever" 

"I'd rather guarantee that I pass" Weiss replied back

"Well, for once, I agree with Yang" Blake said as she put her book down, as she too was bored.

"Thank you!" Yang yelled in relief

"Why don't you study too?" Weiss asked, not looking up from her notes

"Because like Yang said, we have 2 weeks from the next test" Blake replied

"Shut up" Ruby called out from her pillow in annoyance, "I'm trying to sleep"

Blake and Yang both lightly laughed while Weiss just rolled her eyes, although she did have a bit of a smirk on her face

Suddenly a bright light consumed the room, startling WBY, with Weiss and Blake both yelping in shock, and waking up Ruby

"Oh my god! Yang turn off the lights and shut the fuck up!" Ruby yelled in annoyance as she covered her head with a pillow, with Blake instantly erupting into laughter, until suddenly, the light went away, but Team RWBY were now gone.


"Hey" Pyrrha suddenly said, causing her teammates to look at her

"Yeah?" Jaune and Nora both replied

"You ever wonder why we're here?" Pyrrha asked

"Sometimes" Ren replied, not looking up from his book

"We're here to kill Grimm and help people!" Nora yelled with a grin

"True, but I feel like there's something else" Pyrrha said, with a concentrated expression on her face

"Is there something up on your mind?" Jaune asked in concern

"No, I've just been thinking a lot recently" Pyrrha replied

"Would you like to talk about it?" Ren asked

"Not really. I don't believe it is that important" Pyrrha chuckled

Suddenly, a bright light engulfed the room, similar to the one RWBY had in their room, and causing JNPR to cover their eyes in shock at the bright light

"Holy cow!" Jaune yelled in shock

"God, is that you?" Nora asked

The lights then instantly disappeared, with JNPR disappearing

Meanwhile, again

"Come on boys, pick up the pace!" Coco called back

Fox and Yatsuhashi both groaned. Unfortunately, they lost a bet with the girls, mainly Coco, and now here they are, at the fucking clothing stores... At least Velvet felt sympathy for them and decided to help them out, even though she had other plans.

"Why are you like this?" Yatsuhashi groaned, struggling to keep the bags of clothing that they bought from falling out of his hands

"You know me Yatsu" Coco said with a grin

The Damn RWBY reacts to Battlefield 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ