Over The Top

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(A/N: I know that offically, the tank is called Black Bess, but I'm gonna call it Big Bess throughout this first part of the game since that's what Townsend tends to call it)

The screen turned on to show an overhead view of the Country of France

"What is this?" Ruby asked

"That is the country of France" Scout replied

"Are they important in the war?" Qrow asked in curiosity

"Pretty sure they declared war on the Germans or the other way around. They were there since the start of World War I" Scout answered

Sage was then heard speaking as the camera slowly zoomed in on France

Sage: My granddad fought in the Civil War. Before I left he told me what it takes to stay alive but, nothing could've prepared me for what I saw. 

"What did I see?" Sage asked in curiosity.

"More than likely some of the new technologies of war. Such as tanks, guns, mustard gas and so on." Scout replied

Sage: New machines of war, like the tank, could sometimes change the battlefield over night. Luckily they were mostly on our side... Mostly...

"Fun" everyone sarcastically said

The camera then zoomed into the country of France as the screen faded to black, where text was then seen appearing

Text: Ribecourt, France. Fall 1918. It is late in the war. As winter draws in, the Germans fortify their lines and dare the enemy to come to them. Waves of infantry die crashing against German concrete. The maps do not change. 

"Can't they just wait until winter is over?" Blake asked

"They can, but by then the Germans will probably be ready for a counter-attack. This is probably their last true opportunity to be able to breakthrough" Scout answered

Text: Heavily-armed and well-protected, the British Mark. V Tank is a fearsome war machine. It clears trenches. It destroys barbed wires. The Tank can breakthrough.

"No wonder it's a good time to strike. Especially with something like that" Qrow said in a bit of shock.

Text: On October 17, British Forces prepare for a mass assault on the town of Cambrai. With tank support, Allied Command believes a breakthrough is a certainty.

Text: But the Mark V Tank has one major flaw: it is not reliable.

"That's gonna appear a lot isn't it?" Nora asked

The text then disappeared as the screen then faded to a mansion, where an old car was seen parked in front of it.

The screen then cut to the person who was driving it, revealing them to be Pyrrha, who was patiently waiting for somebody as she gripped her hands on the steering wheel.

"And there's Pyrrha" Jaune said

"P-Money's in some fancy clothing" Yang said with a smirk

"At this point in time, Pyrrha was a chauffeur" Scout said

"That's a job that you'd never think Pyrrha would take" Nora chuckled

"Probably not" Pyrrha said with a slight giggle

The screen then cut to Pyrrha's pov, where she was seen looking at her gloved hands, until the screen suddenly cut to her next to a blown up tank, with blood all over her hands

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