Young Men's Work

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(A/N:  "There's a weeks break in early October, I'll hopefully get another chapter done" I said- LITERALLY A FULL FUCKING MONTH AND A HALF LATER THERE'S FINALLY ANOTHER CHAPTER!

But yeah, I'm back for probably the 10th time now. Like I've stated previously, my current goal is to try and finish this up by the end of Thanksgiving break, so hopefully I can do that, but we'll have to wait and see. 

Anyways, onto ze reactions!)

The screened faded into the deserts of Arabia, but at night, as the Armored Train was seen racing down the train tracks in the middle of fuck knows where in this desert, as Fox was heard speaking

Fox: Of course, obtaining the code book was not enough. To destroy this iron dragon, this "Canavar", as the Ottomans had named it- We had to send it three encrypted messages telling it to stand down.

"Why three?" Nora asked in confusion

"Likely to serve as a countermeasure in the case if someone does manage to steal the book of communications. If you just get one message in this case, it may be fake and a trap. If you get multiple messages that all say the same or similar thing, then it's more than likely legit" Ren explained to Nora 

"Makes sense. If Blake's able to steal the codes a bit easily, no doubt other rebels or maybe  even other armies could too" Jaune added

"Good point" Scout said

The video cut to some random patch of sand as someone had created a quick little diagram/map of the railroad tracks, along with three O's and one X, all of which were located alongside the drawn map of the railroad.

Fox: There were Ottoman Outposts scattered along the railroad tracks.

Fox: The commanders there carried high-priority message capsules. We had to use those to send our orders

One of the commanders of these outposts was seen gently taking out a pigeon and placed a message into the bird's legs before sending it off.

"The pigeons are back!" Ruby said in shock

"Last time we saw those was during the tank one" Fox said

JNPR plus Scarlet instantly had a thousand yard stare on their faces as they blankly stared at the pigeons, with the five of them currently having their own version of a Vietnam Flashback

"You just had to say that out-loud, did you?" Weiss said in a deadpan tone

"Sorry!" Fox quickly apologized as Scarlet's teammates comforted him

A view of the first Outpost, a village, was first seen, as a good chunk of Ottomans were seen patrolling the area, with an Ottoman Machine gunner making modifications to the nearby Gatling gun

Fox: Infiltrating the village wouldn't be easy. A full detachment of Ottoman soldiers had occupied it.

"That's probably gonna be the easiest one" Blake said, "There's plenty of shade to use as cover, like Pyrrha did when she had to get the.. spark plugs right?"

"Correct" Scout replied

"Then yeah, the Village would likely be the easiest" Blake said

"Yeah. If Pyrrha could do that, you probably could too. No offense Pyrrha" Yang said

"None taken" Pyrrha replied

Next up was a view of the second Outpost, a weapons Depot, was then seen. There didn't appear to be many soldiers in there, maybe 8 or 9 at max, and a good amount of tents were seen set up around a random building. There also appeared to be a few artillery guns nearby too.

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