Total War

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(A/N: Yep, this'll be another relatively short chapter. I think I just realized how short Friends in High Places truly is)

Narrator Neptune: That's how we accidentally discovered where the Germans were keeping their munitions for half the Western Front. And Weiss' pictures would help HQ launch a major assault.

"That's good news" Jaune said

"Issue is the Germans are gonna be preparing for an assault. With Neptune and Weiss' little stunt, Germans are gonna be on alert" Qrow pointed out

"Unfortunately that is certainly true" Blake said in agreement

"Eh, we can wing it. Right Weiss?" Neptune asked with a grin

"Hopefully" Weiss said in agreement and with a slight blush, resulting in an eye roll from her teammates and sister

Narrator Neptune: There was just one problem.

"What was it?" Velvet nervously asked

Weiss and Neptune were both seen making their way to their commanding officer's office, though Weiss stopped and nervously looked at Neptune

Weiss: I'm not sure about this

Neptune: Come on! We did a great thing. We'll get medals for this. 

Weiss: We weren't supposed to be there!

Neptune: When the commander sees these pictures he won't care. We did a great thing. 

"I'd say it'd be fine. Yeah you weren't supposed to be there but you discovered a pretty important place to the Germans" Sun said

"Agreed. Their commanding officer would probably be more excited than disappointed" Winter said in agreement

Neptune: We can do it again.

Weiss took a deep breath before looking at Neptune, seriousness seen in her eyes.

Weiss: I'll make you a deal. 

"It's gonna be a deal that Neptune can't promise" Scout instantly said

"Y-you don't know that" Weiss stuttered

"Let your other self speak" Scout replied

Weiss: If we pal up on this, then you need to promise me, that you'll get me back in one piece.

"Yep" Scout said

"That's nearly impossible to do" Sage said with a frown

"Unfortunately, I have to agree" Winter said with a frown as well

"Yeah. I have no idea what I'm gonna say here" Neptune nervously said

Neptune: Sure thing.

Weiss: Promise. I need your word.

Neptune seemed to have wanted to say something else, though he managed to keep it to himself.

Neptune: Okay I promise.

"Don't make promises you can't keep" Scout and Qrow both muttered to themselves

The two then made their way to the commander's office, with Weiss placing her hand on the door knob before sternly looking at Neptune

Weiss: Stay here. And don't cause any trouble.

Neptune nodded as Weiss opened the door before entering the office and shutting it behind her, with Neptune leaning against the wall so he could try and hear the two through the semi-thin wall.

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